Miscellaneous > Applications
why does MS not like Netscape?
Believe it or not Chooco, they are making a profit out of it since, like Calum mentioned, it does come bundled with their OS which you have to pay to get of course.
Ctrl Alt Del 123:
You can download IE for FREE off their web site, or order a CD with IE on it and only pay for shipping and handling for Windows/Mac AND SOON LINUX!
HA HA HA HA!!! If you think Internet Exploder is a joke running on Winblows you should try and run it on an alternate OS like Solaris. It don't work work worth a crap. I'm sure the same will be true of the Linux version, like it will ever happen.
MSIE for linux. i could see that one. it would probably come as a kernel module. and it would probably reasign the root acount on the box to microsoft. if you need the look of IE use the mozilla theme im useing right now. i could fool a stupid user with it. "wow internet exploder doesn't suck anymore what did you do to it?". besides, this theme has to violoateing copyright laws somewhere
are you sure this IE for linux thing isn't just some rumour leaping from the hubbub of the unsupported backdated trial versions of IE that were released for Solaris and HP-UX? i seriously doubt that IE will be made available for linux. I think that would generate more harm than good for M$, surely they can see that...
on the other hand, maybe they can't, i wouldn't rule out a linux version of IE (or MSNmessmaker, lookout express, frontpage and winblows mediocre player) however if it were true i would laugh a lot...
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