Author Topic: Visual  (Read 1517 times)


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« on: 8 May 2003, 16:20 »
Ok I keep listening a lot of thinks about Visual Studio .Net and I would like to say my opinion about it.
C#: It don't even really work on other platforms!!! Although Microsoft keeps telling us that it works my programs never worked on Linux(Excpet some very simple programs). So I believe the best sollution for developing applications for two platforms is Delphis CLX(Kylix on Linux) that really works(I've tried both C# and Kylix but only Kylix works). It's even slower than VB6 one time calculation of my programs had this results, the program developed in :
Delphi 8 seconds
VB6    25 seconds 30 seconds (After 5 hours modifying the VB6 code to run for I had this most disappointing results)
And what I can say for .NET Studio Generally is that it's slow, it take forever to load (On my one year old PC) in contract with everything else.
So I conclude that Visual Studio.Net sucks


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« Reply #1 on: 8 May 2003, 17:30 »
well, you may be interested in the following project then:
visit these websites and make yourself happy forever:
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« Reply #2 on: 9 May 2003, 16:21 »
I checked your link but as far as I know it's just a programming language a little beteter than xbasic (xbasic also runs on both systems, xbasic is an non-microsoft open-source project)


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« Reply #3 on: 9 May 2003, 16:36 »
yep, that's what it is. i just thought you might be interested.

sorry i think it might have been a bit off topic.
visit these websites and make yourself happy forever:
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« Reply #4 on: 25 May 2003, 01:35 »
There is work in progress at to convert the .net runtime to Linux.

Pretty soon you can run all .net programs on your Linux boxes.

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« Reply #5 on: 25 May 2003, 01:56 »
Unlike most programming languages that try to make their programs faster with every release, Visual Basic programs get's slower with every release.

Also, I think Visual BBasic is a very annoying language.

Wanna do something like

Code: [Select]

like I did simmular in JavaScript then you can forget it, you get a stupid compile error.

Also, why does that stupid dialog screen pop up when I make a typo? Instead of colouring the text red, so I can correct thing fast, they add a stupid dialog screen. How am I supposed to work on a damn program fast, if that fucking dialog from hell keeps annoying me?

Visual Studio is just as annoying stupid, half-arsed, Windoze scipt-kiddie Visual Basic teacher that caused most of my compile errors by explaining that lame excuse for a programming language the wrong way.


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« Reply #6 on: 25 May 2003, 03:22 »
Originally posted by M505:
There is work in progress at to convert the .net runtime to Linux.

Pretty soon you can run all .net programs on your Linux boxes.

Bill Gates owns YOU !!   :D  

To be honest I don't think the reach of mono will be that great because too many lazy developers will use OS specific calls for GUI functions and Microsoft MFC's etc
But, just gotta suck it and see I suppose.
I am v. interestested in Mono and dotGNU.
Contains scenes of mild peril.