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Visual studio.net

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Ok I keep listening a lot of thinks about Visual Studio .Net and I would like to say my opinion about it.
C#: It don't even really work on other platforms!!! Although Microsoft keeps telling us that it works my programs never worked on Linux(Excpet some very simple programs). So I believe the best sollution for developing applications for two platforms is Delphis CLX(Kylix on Linux) that really works(I've tried both C# and Kylix but only Kylix works).
VB.net: It's even slower than VB6 one time calculation of my programs had this results, the program developed in :
Delphi 8 seconds
VB6    25 seconds
VB.net 30 seconds (After 5 hours modifying the VB6 code to run for VB.net I had this most disappointing results)
And what I can say for .NET Studio Generally is that it's slow, it take forever to load (On my one year old PC) in contract with everything else.
So I conclude that Visual Studio.Net sucks

well, you may be interested in the following project then:

I checked your link but as far as I know it's just a programming language a little beteter than xbasic (xbasic also runs on both systems, xbasic is an non-microsoft open-source project)

yep, that's what it is. i just thought you might be interested.

sorry i think it might have been a bit off topic.

There is work in progress at www.go-mono.org to convert the .net runtime to Linux.

Pretty soon you can run all .net programs on your Linux boxes.

Bill Gates owns YOU !!  :D


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