Miscellaneous > Applications
to programers:
i dont have the time or the skills to do this but i think it would help the cause of bringing billy to the gutter. anyways, what i think is needed is a simple small program that detects the hidden files in windows and erases them, as well as display the information contained within. if its small enough it should be hosted or link it to windows-sucks.com (to get it past the sensors of other sites) so people really get to see how nasty windows/m$ is. i dont suggest puitting vuneralbility in the name as there are so many so often for microsoft. the files should have a description as to what the user is looking at and any possible reasons to why m$ would want it hidden from you, also any reasons as to why it cannot be deleted(if neededs).
this would let the simple minded people that dont have the fortitude to do anything a chance to easily see whats up and plant the seed of all things ope source. maybe even have a alternative o/s link screen or a redirect to the home page here.
anyways any thoughts? or takers?
It's all fake, at least from my point of view.
to which do you think is fake? the files?
quote:Originally posted by avello500:
to which do you think is fake? the files?
--- End quote ---
Why not just log the communications between MS and an XP box and publicize it? Much simpler and something anyone could replicate if they wanted to. Didn't IE send the id code for that copy of windows whenever it hit msn.com?
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