Author Topic: m$ media player 9 beta  (Read 2370 times)


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m$ media player 9 beta
« on: 13 September 2002, 08:41 »
you can download it at the windows phone home site

i just had to, to see what the future of listening to mp3s would be like for grandma

my opinions:

-no benchmarking by contract
-DRM locked in
-momory hog

-functional, with some stuff i haven't seen before
-best thing they have done in some time (oxymoron i know)
-no registration and no expiration of beta (?)

dirty i know, but i am not in winders very often... i'll stick with a free player once 9 crashes once.  --all it has to do is put out sound!

[ September 12, 2002: Message edited by: sporkme / bob ]

[ September 12, 2002: Message edited by: sporkme / bob ]

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m$ media player 9 beta
« Reply #1 on: 13 September 2002, 08:50 »
Your rating will soon drop....
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m$ media player 9 beta
« Reply #2 on: 13 September 2002, 13:49 »
You forgot to mention: NO UNINSTALL on XP and ME platforms!

This is the perfect trap.  Download it.  Install You are locked in.  Next massive security flaw that pops up, you will have to download the patch or have your computer's system compromised.  The patch requires you to give Bill et. al root access to your box and install *&#$loads of DRM.  Only this time you don't have the option of  telling MS to go @#^% themselves and uninstalling their MP other than just uninstalling everything MS, which becomes a better and better idea every @#$%ing day they pull ^%$& like this.

And because of Microsoft's legendary security and @#^%ing desire to integrate EVERYTHING (so they have an excuse to kill competing software), you will get a security breach through outlook or MSIE or MS messenger or some other piece of *%&% program if you don't patch the MP.

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m$ media player 9 beta
« Reply #3 on: 13 September 2002, 14:41 »
i'm afraid i do not believe that sporkme only downloaded this shit to see what other people are using.

personally, even though i have a windows dual boot setup, i don't think i have used winblows mediocre player once since my last reinstall (3 weeks ago, it's pretty bad at the moment due to some fucked regediting by a program called download accelerator). WinME comes with WMP 6.2 and 7.0, and i also have 7.2 on a CD. none of those has any uninstall, although you can just remove the files if you so desire, it's not hard.

Personally, again, i prefer 6.2, and more times than not 7.0 is corrupt on a default of winME anyway, i find, although not always, so what the deal is i do not know.

Anyway, what i am saying is, "upgrading" mediocre player is not worth the time or the effort.

nowadays i do not even bother to install photoshop, dreamweaver, all the programs i used to rely on in windows, purely because i have much better options open to me on the linux side.

i will admit to having word, excel, openoffice and acrobat reader on windows, purely because the linux version of will not open my girlfriend's CV for some reason. I'm not surprised, it's a Microsoft word document...

anyway, back on topic, mediocre player is not worth the upgrade, neither is lookout express, or msn messenger or any of the other useless crap they foist on you, so why fucking bother, is what i say!
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m$ media player 9 beta
« Reply #4 on: 13 September 2002, 17:38 »
Well, the M$ media player is really "spyware" in a broader sense. That is, although M$ claim not to collect any personal data (which I really doubt), they do on the other hand collect info about your personal preferences, like what kind of music you listen to more often, what movies you watch etc. At least to me that is purely violation of your privacy, despite of their demographic excuses.

Anyway, I'm on Linux only now, so that goes to all Windows users and dual booters out there. No matter how pretty and attractive Media Player looks don't use it.


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m$ media player 9 beta
« Reply #5 on: 14 September 2002, 08:08 »
Originally posted by Pantso:
Well, the M$ media player is really "spyware" in a broader sense. That is, although M$ claim not to collect any personal data (which I really doubt), they do on the other hand collect info about your personal preferences, like what kind of music you listen to more often, what movies you watch etc. At least to me that is purely violation of your privacy, despite of their demographic excuses.

Anyway, I'm on Linux only now, so that goes to all Windows users and dual booters out there. No matter how pretty and attractive Media Player looks don't use it.

Who says Media Player is spyware? Have you ever monitored what it does? Why would Microsoft use spyware in Media Player when they can just spyware the whole OS (that way if u block the spyware, ur comp cannot access the net)? If you ask me you Microsoft haters are all pathetic preachers who have nothing better to do than to diss Billy G behind his back!
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m$ media player 9 beta
« Reply #6 on: 14 September 2002, 18:45 »
holy jesus fucking christ.... it was just out of curiousity that i downloaded that bloated bastard... you dont see a lot of MS betas.   and you know i use linux for everything... almost...

i dont use much of any windows programs, excepting: two games, the gnu editor fer winbloze i love "frontpage 2000," GNUcleus (essentially limewire), photoshop for some BS, schooling (need to use windows for the mcp's and such, lol), and to see that beautiful blue scream of death we all love so dearly.

the uninstallation issue:  i like to use FDISK to remove the resiliant windows programs--thats why i have a cd burner-- and also i am capable enough to track down those pesky registry uglies and delete files...  GOOD LUCK WITHOUT THE .EXE!!!

all i was saying is that some bastards worked thier asses off for this stupid fucking program, and my capable ass can run a (halfway) stable windows 98-2 well enough to avoid the typical XP USER BSOD's

some good arguments against it --that i appreciate...

my point is this:  relative to typical ms crap, this program was kinda well done, excepting the many downsides inherant to a winders operating environment.  i do not promote them, but my opinion stands.

the bastard is pretty well done, and i will keep using linux to play ALL of my music, particularly in defiance and boycot of DRM and TCPA.

so, unilaterally, the accusations of my use of windows as my prefferred OS are completely moot, if you think i LOVE this piece of cunt-swag you are completely in error, and i CERTAINLY thought that ESPECIALLY smart fuckers like fuckMS'ers could take this stupid ass post with a grain of salt.......

my windows is simply (and essentially) a frigging program i run by rebooting linux (like running a nintendo emulator to play mario brothers).

holy fuck!
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m$ media player 9 beta
« Reply #7 on: 14 September 2002, 18:50 »
oh, and yes I am studying MCPs so i can drive a big ugly gas guzzling american car, but i am about 1/4 doe with RHCP (red hat)...

furthermore... void (space) main     wow you found out they allow s p a c e s !!!

heheheh i remember such a post

heheh, no offense to void__main, or to anyone regarding my prior post....

just that you do not take an interest in politics does not mean that politics will not take an interest in you.  -pericles 430 b.c.


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« Reply #8 on: 18 September 2002, 10:44 »
triple post!!!

i wanted to add that DRM is basically spyware, and the OS platform is spyware, and you are nothing but a marketing statistic.

just that you do not take an interest in politics does not mean that politics will not take an interest in you.  -pericles 430 b.c.


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m$ media player 9 beta
« Reply #9 on: 18 September 2002, 13:28 »
i am having trouble following the thread of this topic.

my comments all stand, i do not remember making any comments that were intended to insult you, sporkme, so here's hoping you didn't take offence.

i'm just saying winblows mediocre player is shit, it is only runnable on one operating system, which is a shit one, so why use it when there are a lot better alternatives?

also, unless a person was seriously not aware of these points, i can see no reason why they might imagine that a new version of mediocre player would suddenly be okay, that's all i was saying.
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m$ media player 9 beta
« Reply #10 on: 18 September 2002, 15:32 »
Originally posted by sporkme / bob:
holy jesus fucking christ.... it was just out of curiousity that i downloaded that bloated bastard... you dont see a lot of MS betas.   and you know i use linux for everything... almost...

i dont use much of any windows programs, excepting: two games, the gnu editor fer winbloze i love "frontpage 2000," GNUcleus (essentially limewire), photoshop for some BS, schooling (need to use windows for the mcp's and such, lol), and to see that beautiful blue scream of death we all love so dearly.

the uninstallation issue:  i like to use FDISK to remove the resiliant windows programs--thats why i have a cd burner-- and also i am capable enough to track down those pesky registry uglies and delete files...  GOOD LUCK WITHOUT THE .EXE!!!

all i was saying is that some bastards worked thier asses off for this stupid fucking program, and my capable ass can run a (halfway) stable windows 98-2 well enough to avoid the typical XP USER BSOD's

some good arguments against it --that i appreciate...

my point is this:  relative to typical ms crap, this program was kinda well done, excepting the many downsides inherant to a winders operating environment.  i do not promote them, but my opinion stands.

the bastard is pretty well done, and i will keep using linux to play ALL of my music, particularly in defiance and boycot of DRM and TCPA.

so, unilaterally, the accusations of my use of windows as my prefferred OS are completely moot, if you think i LOVE this piece of cunt-swag you are completely in error, and i CERTAINLY thought that ESPECIALLY smart fuckers like fuckMS'ers could take this stupid ass post with a grain of salt.......

my windows is simply (and essentially) a frigging program i run by rebooting linux (like running a nintendo emulator to play mario brothers).

holy fuck!

Sporkme there was really no intention on my part to intinuate anything about you. So, I really hope I haven't insulted or offended you in any way  ;)  . My post was about those Windows losers out there, like LoL for example, who are too ignorant to see that M$ tactics are a threat to the whole computer users community. And yes LoL, Media Player is spyware in the broader sense. Why would a software app collect info about what music I listen to or what movies I watch etc? Isn't that spying?


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m$ media player 9 beta
« Reply #11 on: 19 September 2002, 06:43 »
I myself use XMMS / Xine / Ogle (for playing those dvdz)  I'm too lazy to get Mplayer working and besides, every media file I have will work on either XMMS or Xine.  Except quicktime.  Stupid Apple won't port quicktime to linux.

PS Windows Media Player sucks, no matter how you slice it.  I went the the WMP 9 website; It's pure shit.
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m$ media player 9 beta
« Reply #12 on: 19 September 2002, 22:58 »
You will find that Media player is suspected of being spyware, as is Realplayer, as both companies are (or were, I have not been folowing for the last two months) being investigated by the European Union Anti-trust commision, as possibly violating various European privacy laws, especially those of France.

Compare to Linux. Mandrake states in it's (totally optional) registration that it treats the data according the privacy Laws of France, as these are some of the toughest around.
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m$ media player 9 beta
« Reply #13 on: 20 September 2002, 03:02 »
ehh i wasnt pissed... i don't know exactly what i was saying there

i think i just wanted to kick a baby seal or something

ya 9 is sucking
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m$ media player 9 beta
« Reply #14 on: 21 September 2002, 22:34 »
Did anyone read the EULA on any new Media Player Updates? It says they have the right to "remotely alter your computer"! Different variations throughout different patches & updates, I haven't looked for the one in beta 9, but I'm sure it's in there. So the ? remains, why does microsoft want to hack people's computers? Ah Ha! To make $$$ off of pissed off recording artists. So they can help out this "stealing" of MP3s. Goddammit I hope ChuckD can Tell them motherfuckers where to get off at! Fuck Microsoft! And one small question. Why do some of you guys use symbols in curse words when your posting on a site with the url: