Miscellaneous > Applications

m$ media player 9 beta

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quote:Originally posted by 404soft:
Why do some of you guys use symbols in curse words when your posting on a site with the url: fuckmicrosft.com?
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Fuck if I know. I think some of the noobs don't know that we like shit like cursing and stuff 'round here  :D

Love the Penguin guys and get rid of Dos.   The Penguin is good to you.

  And now that Unreal Tournament 2003 comes with OFFICIAL LINUX SUPPORT all i can say is......

 ......HA HA!  Others will fallow too, along with Epic.

  Btw LoL.....how you doin? Here have a "wake up" pill and do some reading on the EULA. You know your ABCs right?


quote:Originally posted by psyjax:

Fuck if I know. I think some of the noobs don't know that we like shit like cursing and stuff 'round here   :D  
--- End quote ---

F*ck Off! C*nt!  :D   ;)

it crashed last time i used it.

got some cool xmms skins.

im about to wipe the winders partition again anyway.

Use Winamp ....

Windows and mac version now avalable...

with the linux version still being worked on..
(even though u can get a leacked copy on betanews)


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