Miscellaneous > Applications

Looking for URLs

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Why do they give you administrator rights on your machine then?

i've gotten firefox to install without admin rights before.

and they do offer it in a convenient no-install download anyway.



quote:This is completely unhelpful. In the real world, many of us have to use Windows on a Windows network. It's called a job. My server runs Debian and I'm quite happy with it, but my clients use Windows so I have to establish a coexistence in order to interoperate with them.
--- End quote ---

Why is it that in "business", nobody understands what coexistance and compatibility really is?

I run Mac OS X, Linux, and Windows XP all in the same house. Moving files is SEAMLESS. I don't care what your clients are running, you can access files and folders on Windows clients from Linux, and vice-versa. It just takes some *time and thought*... and then it works better.

Oh... and you need to get his box infected with an ActiveX virus, then slap down a whitepaper that tells how insecure IE is because of it, and that other browsers don't have these problems.

Then tell his bosses what happened.

That's the key. Circumvent your boss and tell their bosses.

Nobody likes whistleblowers... except for management.

Maybe the windoid sysadmin is unaware that both CERT and the Department of Homeland Security say to stop using MSIE.

Ask him about it.

I like the previously posted idea about changing the user agent.


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