Miscellaneous > Applications

Looking for URLs

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You were able to install Firefox...is your account admin-level?

Start > Run > services.msc

Kill the bastard that's logging you.  :D


quote:Originally posted by Sauron is ALWAY on-topic:

Maybe he wants to GET SOME WORK DONE as well...

--- End quote ---

Indeed, that's why Knoppix will work for him.
(i doubt you will ever understand that)

That's pretty high-brow humor right there.


quote:Originally posted by Sauron is ALWAY on-topic:
User-Agent in the HTTP header perhaps?

ever think of that?

shouldn't this go in app's?
--- End quote ---

It has nothing to do with HTTP, this is a Windows networking issue.

Apparently, the Microsuck Powers That Be thought this should go in app's since that's where it was moved, however it <b>is</b> an OS issue since the OS is where the sysadmin is  allowed to snoop. App's don't control remote access to a user's registry, which is what I want to learn how to prevent.


quote:Originally posted by insomnia:

Your solution is a Linux Live CD.
--- End quote ---

This is completely unhelpful. In the real world, many of us have to use Windows on a Windows network. It's called a job. My server runs Debian and I'm quite happy with it, but my clients use Windows so I have to establish a coexistence in order to interoperate with them.

Worse, my current work involves some major security issues and the IT department is run by a typically dim Microsoft Nazi shill. I need to learn how to fly below his radar when he has alerts set up to determine if any machine on his network is being used in an unapproved way.


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