Miscellaneous > Applications

One thing IE does that Mozilla doesnt

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How come Mozilla Dosen't come with Java Plugins.

I thought Sun would be OK with something like that.


quote:Originally posted by Doctor V:
IE runs Active X, unlike Mozilla.  Active X is M$'s propriatary software.  It might be illegal to make it run on anything other than IE.  Active X is dangerous, it can contain viruses that would have a hayday with your PC.  Applets, which run like Active X but on any browser, do not have the same security problems.
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Microsoft doesn't need to worry about anyone stealing ActiveX technology. No one is that dumb.


quote:Originally posted by suselinux:
How come Mozilla Dosen't come with Java Plugins.

I thought Sun would be OK with something like that.
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The windows version of mozilla does come with Sun's Java plugin.

I guess the linux one doesn't in order to giv the user a choice between Sun and Blackdown.


quote:Originally posted by Billy Gates: Mac Comrade Captain:
IE for mac doesn't crash, just shows a text box like any other browser.  Didn't bother to test it on WIndows
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True. Only Windows versions of IE crash, from version 4.0 to 6.0. Don't have to worry though. M$ will fix this bug eventually in let's say another 7 years from now.   :D

IE is a homo name!


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