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MS Visual Studio (vb, vis c++, etc.)
quote:Originally posted by Big-D:
OK, I didn't see a post on this topic before, so I'm going to just create a new thread.
Anyway, under the list of alternate programs on the main fuckMicrosoft.com page, I didn't see anything under a developer section, or any compilers.
Now I think Visual C++ is a very good program. You can write your source code in it, it's not just command-line, and it has many utilities to create cool apps in.
So what I want to know is if there's a better developer program which has all the features of visual c++, or any program that can match the other member of visual studio also.
So either an alternative to VS, or a pirated version, I mean stolen, (oh fuck microsoft) of Visual c++ Professional Edition. (Which would be nice.)
--- End quote ---
For Linux, Ajunta and KDevelop are very nice. For windows, try http://www.bloodshed.net/'s Dev-C++ or Borland's products (which are GREAT!)
Doctor V:
Hey Big-D, I third the opinion that KDevelop or Ajunta are the way to go. Come on, no real programmer would be caught dead using Visual C++!
Actually all (most) the Windows programmers use it but they're mostly morons anyway. I wonder what John Carmack uses. Does he develop under Linux? (if so maybe that's why all the id games are for linux and windows)
QT Designer and Anjuta are plain AWESOME. Especialy QT Designer.
It comes by default with Red Hat 8.0. Trust me. It is AWESOME.
[ November 25, 2002: Message edited by: bazoukas [The F*en Linux Militant] ]
seems u know lots about QT Designer.
I just made a quick test programme, how do i make it runnable? ive got a *.ui file? i wanna send this thing to my mates, ive always wanted to make a GUI programme.
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