Miscellaneous > Applications
How to truly clear AutoComplete in forms????
quote: So how does that all fit together for an enduser? You say the thing looks just like Linux, and handles like it?
--- End quote ---
I said it gives you a COUNTERFEIT Linux. Windows looks the way it does due to a program called "Explorer.exe". DOS works like it does due to "command.com". Change these, and you change the look and feel. (If His Gatesness open sourced "Explorer", you could give any *NIX rig that Winders look and feel :eek: ) This is what Litestep and Cygwin basically do. They change the look and feel, however, it's still the same kernel running behind the scenes. It doesn't alter the fundamental nature of the beast one bit. Run Cygwin on Win ME, and you're still going to get the memory leaks, the lock-ups, and the crashes. The only difference is that now everyone will think you got one fucked-up distro. ;)
As for Vim and EMACS for Winders, these *do* work just like their Linux counterparts. Of course this is due to their not attaching themselves tightly to the OS. The install involves little more than loading files and linking into the apps' start programs. These don't do anything with the registry. Of course, there is a price to pay. On a *NIX rig, EMACS takes up some 18MB; the Winders version weighs in at some 60MB. :( All that extra code is necessary to get it to work right. It's worth it to install these *NIX apps as the native Winders apps were designed to the lowest common denominator. Sure, any idiot could use Notepad, however, try writing code with it. *No* syntax highlighting, *no* autoindent, *no* history list, *no* split screen so you can refer to your source and headers, and you're *stuck* with that ugly-ass fixedSys font. :mad: These Winders apps are fine if all you want to do is dash off a letter to Mom, but for serious work, it *SUX*.
Master of Reality:
windows is trying to reject litestep out of its system.
OK, thanks for the info, downloading now. My sitch is such that i am stuck with winME specific laptop. now i can get the 'feel' you mention of another OS, and i'll be away as soon as i build my 1st desktop machine, and install linux on it, as it's only os...
downloading now!
well that was a big waste of time, litestep can't handle directory names with a space in them! which means "Program Files" is out of the question!
I spent 10 mins figuring out how to uninstall that fucker without having explorer running! (you can't from DOS apparently) So, it's gone, explorer is back, litestep has fucked up windows to the point where my cdrw no longer works :mad:
<sigh> time for another install, after what? about 2 weeks? my solution to this problem is outlined in "Format/Partition" somewhere in the "All Things Microsoft" section. I should have known windows couldn't run any other shell, when it can't even get the hang of its own. :(
[edited by Calum due to unusual use of the word 'hack']
[ February 07, 2002: Message edited by: Calum ]
Gee. that's amazing that it didn't work. Mine turned off on command. No questions asked. Must just be u. Or maybe I'm just blessed.
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