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I have a question about KOffice
Master of Reality:
staroffice and openoffice kicks ass. I downloaded staroffice 5.2 the day they said it was gonna be discontinued for download.
I used Staroffice in Windows for a long time but when Openoffice 1.0 came out I switched and liked it better.
The desktop in Staroffice was bugging me beyond belief, plus it loaded way too slow, for the rest all of the components were almost identical between Open and Staroffice.
Now I use Staroffice again, because it came with my SuSE and I'm too lazy to download and install Openoffice ;)
microsoft xp? LOL I refuse. everyone says "xp rocks, why not?" because I boycott it. I use windoze ME only because I have to, it still sucks but it's better than 98 and I REFUSE to get XP anything. but I need a better office suite, so I downloaded several... I thought open office and star office were the same. :rolleyes:
i agree, XP? fucked, that's what.
re: open/staroffice, we have said this many times, but here it is again for the latecomers ;)
staroffice is closed source office suite sold and maintained by Sun microsystems (but not originally developed by them). it was open source up till version 5.2
Openoffice.org is an open source office suite based on the code for staroffice 5.2
Both suites are a few versions on now, so are NOT the same, now that staroffice is closed source, openoffice can no longer use any of their new code, and since openoffice.org is GPLd, neither can staroffice use any openoffice code, unless it wants to go open source again.
quote:Originally posted by UnknownQ:
KOffice only runs on Linux, if you do want something that isn't designed by a monopoly check out OpenOffice (openoffice.org).
--- End quote ---
No, it only runs on KDE. Last time I checked, KDE ran on all flavors of Unix, and even on Mac's (with the new Darwin thing (I'm not a Mac guy )). You probably can use it on Win too, but that would be braindead (since you'd need KDE (I think, maybe only QT, which would be managable), and you're braindead if you run KDE under Windows for anything but testing stuff).
So yes, you can run it on Win, but you'd be better off with Openoffice, that's more portable.
Calum: Staroffice can use Openoffice code, they just have to opensource *THAT8 part (or parts based on it). They can still make closed-source additions (IANAL, so I don't know exactly what the terms would be, but it's possible).
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