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The bane of my life

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As someone who has to support Windows, Office, et al all day every day, I can safely say they are the most unstable, buggy programs ever programmed. Our Win NT server crash constantly, the Win NT Workstation fails our users all the time, yet some of our VAX, VMS, and Solaris machines haven't even been bounced for years. Why is this? If it's been done before by other people, why not again?

M$ makes so much $ and ? because people think their products are good, buy them for an expencive price, so that M$ have lots of $ and ?.
75% of NL thinks that M$ makes good products and that everything else sucks, which is totally dumb.

[ May 19, 2002: Message edited by: Refalm ]

As somebody forced to use Windows I can accurately state that Windows sucks!
It loves to crash for no reason at all, and whats interesting is that Internet Explorer causes most of it.  XP doesn't crash, it just resets!

Whats sad is that most of the people I know honestly believe that M$ products are superior.  They base this on two things, MS's propoganda and the idea of getting what you pay for.  What a bunch of idiots; if only they'd try Linux, Unix or MacOS X.

I am constantly amazed not only by the instability of MS products, but also by the applications made by third parties that constantly crash for no apparent reason while using my mother's windows 98 pc. For instance today while playing Roller Coaster Tycoon, that application crashed for no apparent reason about once every ten minutes. Ive also noticed that after she loads aol, the computer has a tendency to crash. She does not have enough patience to troubleshoot the problems, so her only solution, which might I add is only a temporary fix, is to reinstall the application or the entire OS. I suggested she upgrade the OS to a more stable version, but her pc doesnt meet the unrealistic standards for xp, and a new copy of Win98SE is still $189. So for now she is stuck. Unfortunately she is not skilled enough to use linux.

Well if she uses AOL she wouldn't have much luck with Linux anyway.
Gay-O-hell seems to refuse to make a Linux version of their web software(AIM doesn't count).

And Lycoris might be easy enough for her to fiddle with.


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