Miscellaneous > Applications

Lagging browsers



This really locks up my browser, and a few other people who tried it (its a while(1) loop with two javascript commands in it.. This was also an accident and bad scripting by me..). Don't feel too bad for mozilla users though, MSIE users and AOL users seem to be crashed when they use it       . At least these effects apply to Windows users. (Unknown on MAC and Linux). Of course, OPERA works fine        and im POSITIVE Lynx does too.

This was kind of interesting to me so I decided to post it. (i've never run into code that messed up mozilla like that, usually it handles crap well.)

Note: My MSIE is probably out-of-date considering I never use MSIE.

[ June 22, 2003: Message edited by: anphanax ]

[ June 22, 2003: Message edited by: anphanax ]

Odd, it doesn't crash my IE 6 SP1. It just causes it to lag and the browser gives me a choice to either continue to run the script or stop the script dead in it's tracks.

Doctor V:
Konqueror is safe.


Indeed. Konqueror did the same thing as Internet Explorer (see Zombie9920's screenshot), and then I was redirected to Google. I'm thinking about switching from Mozilla to Konqueror, as it's better in some ways.


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