Miscellaneous > Applications


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Adobe is number one. Long live the electric cat!

Bryce is sweet, as well as addicting, so I totally understand where you're coming from.

But, one of the very best products ever to come out on the Mac OS, would have to be the timeless game Oregon Trail.

*Bill_Gates was bitten by a snake.*
*Paul Allen drowned*
*Pee-wee has the flu*
*O.J. was run over by a herd of cattle*

our sweetest fantasies come true.  

web monkeys!!  :-P

No doubt the same freaks who use FrontPage bow to the punks at Corel. Hail to the cowards who couldn't handle Linux. Dumbkopfs.

So Corel Linux is from Microsoft?

Anti Ms:
:eek: heh I use Dreamweaver.


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