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Help me please

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y0 get d4 m4d v3si0n 0f XP fr0m www.getnewos.cjb.net


quote:Originally posted by Prometheus:
Help me please
--- End quote ---

you might be too far gone for help.

Here is the best replacement for XP, www.slackware.com


quote:good. now get rid of it. im never going to understand people.
1. type in "FUCK MICROSOFT" into google.
2. oh nice, fuckmicrosoft.com
3. oh look, everyone talks shit about M$, this is fun
4. oh wow, after flipping through a few posts, and reading all the anti-ms - pro *nix i'll reply
5. hi, fix my windows for me.
6. ???????
--- End quote ---
Actually, it goes more like this:
1. Type "FUCK MICROSOFT" into Google
2. Oh nice, fuckmicrosoft.com
3. Oh look, everyone talks shit about M$, this is fun
4. Oh wow! After flipping through a few posts, and reading all the anti-M$ -- pro *nix... Hey! These folks seem to really know what they're talking about! Unlike all those clueless lusers I met on that last Windows User's BBS I tried. I bet they know how to fix my Windows, and I'll get faster and friendlier assistance, not like the last time I tried M$'s tech support. And, besides, it couldn't be any worse anyway.
[/list]    :D        :D        :D        :D    
Live Free or Die: Linux

Their fundamental design flaws are completely concealed by their superficial design flaws

[ February 15, 2003: Message edited by: jtpenrod ]

anyway you wont be able to hack the registery, Microsoft probably scattered segmnets of it in various binarys and bmp files and other stuff.


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