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Open Source Software - Corporate Involvement... the next stage?
Doctor V:
That about says it all. I really hope the EU does stand strong against the US corporate onslaught.
how are things in Japan, Dr. V.
We hear very little of goings-on over there.
Doctor V:
Weather is nice. So is the food, after you get used to it. It is safe, and the people are generally polite.
Other than that, I'd have to say that Japan could be considered even more corporation dominated than the USA. Business controls about every aspect of a persons life. Unions are non-existent. To form one would get someone's name on a blacklist. The hours are long and the work very very brearucratic (can't spell). I know people that work 12+ a day 5 days a week, and then another 4-6 on saturday. And thats with another 2 hours every day commuting (on very crowder trains). I think the people just don't want to stand up for themselves, they would rather just make the best of it. Even sports is compltetly under control of business. A Japanese word for high corporate executive is 'eraihito', and the literal translation is wonderful person. Employees here often remind me of Smithers from The Simpsons.
The population has been decreasing due to low birth rates, and there are alot of foriegn workers.
I think Macs might be a little more popular here than in other places (I have no statistics, just a general impression). But M$ does have desktop control. But the server market is dominated by Red Hat and TurboLinux. My company used to be about 60%-40% RH and Win2K ISS, but we've been steadily moving everything that once was on Windows ISS servers to Linux. Now we are at about 90%-10%. And I don't realistically think the Xbox has a snowballs chance in hell.
: :D ies laughing::
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