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Attack of the killer IE zomboids

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there i was, innocently browsing in the Otaku Forums Computer Section when what should i see? "What's your favourite Browser?" right, so i go in, vote for mozilla in the poll(which is fast surpassing opera in my opinion) and read the comments from other people. Nearly all of them are saying "I yooz IE coz it cumz wiv my compyootur!!!" how dull. Not all say that though, but it's disheartening to think that so many boring windoids are following the herd.

What's really irritating is those dumbfucks who are all saying "all other browsers are inferior to IE because they don't support the newest internet explorer standards!" what?!?!? so if i wrote a bunch of shit and called it the new mozilla standard, released a hacked version of mozilla that supported it, i could then say that IE was shit for not supporting my new standards? what a load of sludge!

Maybe some of you could go and vote in the poll to redress the balance. To give you some idea, links and lynx are not on the list and "emacs w3" is classed as a "linux text base browser". Duh! remember XP loser will go and vote for IE now so at least one person to go and offset him would be nice!  ;)

Fucking retards. Don't mind them, they're probably fairly uneducated when it comes to computers. I doubt most of them could even spell 'linux'.

Anyone who thinks that a browser is ass because it doesn't support IE standards should figure out that the other 99% of browsers support W3C standards, which is what IE does not (hell, it doesn't even render tables properly half the time).

yeah, and for mozilla, what the fsck are these odd things some call popups, don't think i have seen an ad for the damned x10 cam in months

Jesus Calum, why do you give a flying fuck what a bunch of script-kiddie wannabes think?  judging by the other posts in that thread, I'd say most of those guys will be spending a LOT of time trying to figure out what they fucked up THIS time.  Those idiots are a waste of skin.

hmmm, yes well... i agree totally of course, but i think that morons are there to be educated. Anyway, they're not naturally stupid, just brainwashed. Somebody needs to help them get their brain dirty with thoughts again, and if they still choose to run with the pack, they can get slaughtered come autumn. Sorry, running away into metaphor land, but i just mean that some of those drongos think M$ invented the internet, if they find out otherwise, they might try and learn for themselves. I was a hapless drongo until relatively recently myself, so i don't have any real disdain for people who know nothing. People who deliberately insist on being a dumbass however...

quote:originally posted by XP User 4267462846237846283:
Really, though, you should be using Windows; you don't have to compile anything on Windows because Microsoft is the only one with the source code anyway.
--- End quote ---

[ June 10, 2002: Message edited by: Calum ]


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