Author Topic: Attack of the killer IE zomboids  (Read 3489 times)


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Attack of the killer IE zomboids
« Reply #15 on: 12 June 2002, 03:31 »
It's really a shame that IE is based on NCSA's Mosaic. Those who know will understand  :(


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Attack of the killer IE zomboids
« Reply #16 on: 12 June 2002, 12:01 »
Calum why you being a bitch? i clicked on that link you gave and it started to pop up like 1000 IE windows all of them blank and would not stop, i had to actualy restart the friggin computer!

or was that not your intention at all? i'm using IE because it can open FTP folders and netscape cannot (netscape says 'FTP transaction complete' but no files are listed) and because Opera can't seem to put itself as the default browser so when i click on a link from an email 'you got a reply too....' it will open in IE which is a drag.


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Attack of the killer IE zomboids
« Reply #17 on: 12 June 2002, 15:25 »
Originally posted by Chooco:
Calum why you being a bitch? i clicked on that link you gave and it started to pop up like 1000 IE windows all of them blank and would not stop, i had to actualy restart the friggin computer!
well that's because IE is a pile of shit. This has nothing to do with me. I posted links, they go where i said they go, i am using mozilla and have disabled popups so i don't know what you're talking about.

or was that not your intention at all? i'm using IE because it can open FTP folders and netscape cannot (netscape says 'FTP transaction complete' but no files are listed)
yeah whatever, use a real OS, and get a real browser.  
and because Opera can't seem to put itself as the default browser so when i click on a link from an email 'you got a reply too....' it will open in IE which is a drag.
it sure is, Opera 5 did not have this problem, but i noticed it a bit in Opera for windows 6, not sure why, but who cares i use mozilla all the time now anyway (except for one web based email account that only seems to work with opera, weird...)
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Attack of the killer IE zomboids
« Reply #18 on: 12 June 2002, 15:54 »
Who cares they dont deserve Mozilla!


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Attack of the killer IE zomboids
« Reply #19 on: 12 June 2002, 20:17 »
Just reading this post. And I actually do like Internet Explorer, apart from the "really hidden files" which is sorted out now thanks to Calum & PurgeIE.

I just want to know what you hate so much about IE, is it just that it is made my MicroSoft? Certain facilities it doesn't support that other browsers do?



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Attack of the killer IE zomboids
« Reply #20 on: 12 June 2002, 20:27 »
For me, It's slow, It's buggy as hell and it crahses all the time.

When I'm not using linux i'm using win95 with mozilla.
Free it, goddamnit!

Computer security is very much like home security - you can take as many security precautions as you like but if you leave windows open, sooner or later you'll get broken into. - (Calum 2003)


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Attack of the killer IE zomboids
« Reply #21 on: 12 June 2002, 20:44 »
okay, the reason i hate IE is because Microsoft made this browser (nevermind that it's made out of stolen software from other products), and their browser supports all sorts of nonstandard crap as well as real html.

There's an official html spec at and people writing html are supposed to stick to that, so that all pages will display right in all browsers. Fine so far, if everybody sticks to that then we'll all get along great. Except:

Every time a new standard comes along, Microsoft tries to change it so much that it becomes a proprietary Microsoft format and you must use their programs, agree to their licences to use it. This is not very nice. In this case they suddenly released this browser that supported a bunch of nonstandard nonhtml crap for special effects and the like. Then they made it impossible to get a copy of windows (at the time a huge majority of home users used only this system) which didn't have this browser. You cannot even uninstall the browser if you do not want it.

Now this prompted some huge number of dumbasses to figure as follows: "If everybody has internet explorer, then i can start writing my webpages full of this new nonstandard html which good old Microsoft has kindly given to us!" and then they wrote their webpages in this shitty new Microsoft html and it began the whole problem of a bunch of shitty pages that could only be displayed in one browser or the other.

They compounded the issue, of releasing Frontpage, a program which allows even o non coding dunmbass to write html! you use it like a word processor, shifting blobs of colour around onscreen and putting photos of your cat in and so on, and the program writes the html for you, isn't that neat? NO it is not, because the html that is output is full of this nonstandard gibberish! There's no button in FrontPage to turn the "shithtml" function off, and not only that, they fleece you for a couple of hundred bucks just for the privelege!

Many morons took it and loved it. They never used a nonIE browser so they never saw any problem. Never mind that you are forced to pay for IE with every copy of windows, whether you want it or not (some say it's free, how can it be? is windows free just because the price is absorbed into the total cost if you buy a computer with it preinstalled? some salesmen would have you believe this is actually the case!).

So IE is responsible for disrupting the flow of sensible development, and breaking perfectly good accepted standards, and the makers of this glorious browser are guilty of ilegally forcing you to buy it, and also charging money for a companion product that only works with their shitty proprietary browser.

A long story, but typical of Microsoft.

So in answer, yes i hate IE "just because it's made by Microsoft" but DO NOT fall into the trap of thinking that that means i have no reason for hating Microsoft to start with.
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Attack of the killer IE zomboids
« Reply #22 on: 12 June 2002, 21:41 »
Calum, that post should go into the featured articles section. In the old days, this was just an annoyance when "novice" web developers coded to non-standard M$ specs. Now it is more of a problem because Big Company sites code to this shit.  Almost all of them have an "MSN" wrapper ( for instance). They all bastards!! And every one I run in to I let them know about it.  I suggest you do the same.

[ June 12, 2002: Message edited by: VoidMain ]

Someone please remove this account. Thanks...


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Attack of the killer IE zomboids
« Reply #23 on: 12 June 2002, 22:14 »
i may start, but i think the monster is being devoured from within anyway, and yes, people will have to adapt or die, meaning that this shitty html will not survive in the long term.

I must remember where this thread is, because that's about the fifth time i've typed out my reasons for not liking IE!  :D
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Attack of the killer IE zomboids
« Reply #24 on: 13 June 2002, 04:52 »
Originally posted by Chooco:
Calum why you being a bitch? i clicked on that link you gave and it started to pop up like 1000 IE windows all of them blank and would not stop, i had to actualy restart the friggin computer!

well that's because IE is a pile of shit. This has nothing to do with me. I posted links, they go where i said they go, i am using mozilla and have disabled popups so i don't know what you're talking about.

no i meant LITERALY 1000 popups, i was not exaderating lol. btw, the latest Opera for Windows is 6.03 i think which can't make itself default.


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Attack of the killer IE zomboids
« Reply #25 on: 13 June 2002, 08:01 »
Very well done indeed Calum.  I couldn't have said it better myself.  However I would like to refer everyone to the De-moronizer.  Being people with standardized browsers, I'm sure you all recognize that it looks as if some websites forget apostraphes and quotation marks from the website.  This site gives a thorough explanation of how M$ Office products make you look like a MORON when you use their export to .html feature.

Originally posted by Chooco:
Calum why you being a bitch? i clicked on that link you gave and it started to pop up like 1000 IE windows all of them blank and would not stop, i had to actualy restart the friggin computer!

I couldn't get in either, although not because of pop-ups.  The website took so damn long to load I said "fuck it" and gave up.

Originally posted by Calum:
hmmm, yes well... i agree totally of course, but i think that morons are there to be educated. Anyway, they're not naturally stupid, just brainwashed. Somebody needs to help them get their brain dirty with thoughts again, and if they still choose to run with the pack, they can get slaughtered come autumn. Sorry, running away into metaphor land, but i just mean that some of those drongos think M$ invented the internet, if they find out otherwise, they might try and learn for themselves. I was a hapless drongo until relatively recently myself, so i don't have any real disdain for people who know nothing. People who deliberately insist on being a dumbass however...

My feelings exactly.

Originally posted by Interscope:
These guys are so moronic that it scares me.

I wrote a long anti-M$ pro-linux rant.(At least, long for me, anything longer than 2 paragraphs is long for me   ;)  

I wanted very much to do the same, but I couldn't because the site was way too slow.

Originally posted by X11 / BOB:
Who cares they dont deserve Mozilla!

Originally posted by choasforages:
gee whiz, who gives a shit about some lame voting board

Responce to chaos by Calum:
xp loser does!   :D   he's the only one who specifically went there, and then came back here to tell us to go and look at his vote! i just happened to be there anyway!

Reversing you're opinion there are you Calum?
Anyway, I am quite surprised by the posts by X11 and chaos.  I thought this was an eradication site!  How can you possibly expect to eradicate by doing nothing and saying things like they don't deserve Mozilla.  If we do a post enlightening the ignorants, then we might convert someone off IE.  M$ survives off duping people to think that IE is good because it has it's own standard.  The less people use IE, the more of an outcry there will be for M$ to start using the w3c standard.  The action of giving in to the standard would consequentially weaken their monopoly on the industry.  It's quite logical.  I'm begining to think that were it not for people like calum and interscope, this site would be just a bunch of people bitching about how bad things are that never strived to improve the condition.


You have found the trillionth easily preventable bug in a Microsoft OS.  You have just won the privlage of being frustrated with an over priced, unreliable OS that makes you conform to its standards.  How does that make you feel?


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Attack of the killer IE zomboids
« Reply #26 on: 13 June 2002, 08:29 »
i do alot to help with people useing linux, /*atleast i try*/, i converted one of my friends, if anyone asks a unix/linux related question i try to respond as best as i can. i give free tech support to alot of neighbors and friends. i was merily commenting that it is another voting board that most people won't even go to. however since i heard there are alot of votes for internet exploiter i think i might go and vote for mozilla, and didn't i say that mozilla under windows is still better then IE, i tell alot of people that i know this information,
thanks for noticeing however
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Attack of the killer IE zomboids
« Reply #27 on: 13 June 2002, 13:20 »
iustitia, good comments!

the reason that page takes so long to load up is because all the posters have got huge graphics in their signatures.

Also, i wasn't changing tack, just having a dig at XP Loser there!  :D

I agree re" eradication, as soon as people develop an elitist attitude, there's no point continuing, it just becomes a farce.
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Attack of the killer IE zomboids
« Reply #28 on: 14 June 2002, 16:58 »
OK people here's my experiance with other browsers other than IE.

As some may know I use IE for work, after it crashed my comp today I finally gave in and thought ok lets download a different one and fuck what the company says.

So first I download Opera, 11meg with java.
Install it and like the look (reminds me of when I was using a Mac)
So time to test a webpage, I go to the first website which is one I spend all day refreshing and reading the msg board. for anyone intrested. And it doesn't work, get the BROWSER WARNING website best viewed with Internet Explorer or Netscape.
So this one is no good.

Next Mozilla.
Download 10meg
Install it not 2 keen on the look but thats not much to worry about.
Not one webpage will load up including there own homepage.
I am on a network and connect to the internet through WinGate. So I don't know if this is the problem, but I had previously set Opera up through WinGate and that could access the internet.
So again that ones no good.

So next I think ok I'll download Netscape, even though I have never been keen on Netscape, I thought they may have changed since I last used them. And it should work on my redmoon website.

Download the package. 215kb thinking wow thats small, but then of course it has to download the components for the website 11meg.
This would not be a problem normally however as I previously stated I connect through WinGate and I can't set WinGate up to allow the application to have internet access. So can't use netscape.

No point downloading any others now, cos I still won't be able to access Redmoon.

Granted this is not a problem with opera rather a problem with Redmoons website. But I can only imagine there are other website out there where I will run into the same problems.


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Attack of the killer IE zomboids
« Reply #29 on: 14 June 2002, 18:29 »
there is a very simple solution to your opera problem. you go into the Preferences menu, this is in a different place in different versions of Opera. On the mac with Opera 5 you would go to Edit>Preferences>Network i think, but on windows with Opera 6 i think it is File>Preferences>Network

Anyway, it's in Preferences somewhere, and you can choose to have your browser identify as Opera, or Mozilla (3 versions to pick from) or IE. The default is IE (which is very dumb) so you probably already found this if you got a message saying 'Use IE'. Anyway, i find that most sites think you are netscape if you set it to identify as one or other of the mozilla settings.

This will enable you to view any sites that allow netscape, which is most.

This is a feature that many other bigname browsers do not have, and i like it a lot. The other top thing about opera is you can toggle to load, show, or switch off images right from the toolbar. Good for a site like this where you load images for the first couple of pages, then select show to stop it loading the same images over again.
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