Miscellaneous > Applications
Alternative Ligthweigth Browser?
Give Dillo a shot; it's written completely in C and it's faster than a scalded cat. For REAL speed, go to the CLI and run LYNX; that kinda makes browsing porno sites pointless, though. :D
I'd say lynx too...
Why not add RAM? It's dirt cheap to double 32...1x 64mb chip (with the 32 for a total of 96) would be like 25 bucks.
But if you don't want to add (which you said you didn't) go with lynx.
i tell you! opera 3.2 is what you're after! arachne and lynx are both text only browsers.
unfortunately i went on a quick look and opera 3.2 seems to only be findable for win32. in any case, here are a couple of download links for this browser, which is small and fast. no support for java runtime environment though, but only 1.2Mb to download:
thanx, i'll check that version of Opera...
um, and where do I get that "dillo" thing?
And the RAM thing.... well, with my country's currency falling to 1/4 US$, it suddenly became harder to upgrade hardware...
(anyway, I guess that in about a month or two I'll be "permanently borrowing" some RAM, so that'll solve my problem... XD)
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