Author Topic: C#  (Read 1267 times)


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« on: 12 October 2002, 02:01 »
I am beginning to dislike this fucking language.

I am learning Java2 because its open source and its appealing that you can use it on any OS.  Plus it is cheaper (being a student and all)  ;)   compared to the $$$ paid for using their C#.
But i hate Java's unwanted foster child, C# (pronounced C HASH).  Whats the point in having this language, they only want it just to unsurp Java, MS thinks it is the best thing ever but they have ruined it from day one (its a "cloned programming language", see my other thread about Ballmer speaking bad about linux).

I hate how it is gaining acceptance amoung their "community" of programmers, why would people use this instead of Java?  Java which runs on MS crap anyway, why run something which will not work on others operating systems, seems kinda dumb and limiting.

Once i finish my course i could write software for any platform i wanted but C# is just for winFUCKINGshit XP and .Crap, ppl are limiting themselves, its all "shared source" and its propeitary.

Anyway my rant has stemed from this article:

C# has now some recogition from a few standards agencies.

[ October 11, 2002: Message edited by: Crunchy(Cracked)Butter ]


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« Reply #1 on: 12 October 2002, 21:09 »
Java is proprietary, not open source. Although there is a free software implementation of it.
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« Reply #2 on: 13 October 2002, 03:06 »
Yeah thats what i meant, like the tools and shit are free but the code isn't.  I don't mind the code not being free, Sun isn't MS anyway so i do place more faith in them, but at least its platform independant.


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« Reply #3 on: 13 October 2002, 03:20 »
well... technically java is no more 'free' than the .net stuff - either in terms of freedom or price. The .net sdk is available for free download just as the jdk is. And one aim of of .net is that it should too ultimately be platform independent.
I'm not sticking up for ms here btw, just saying that java isn't exactly anything to be particularly grateful to sun for. But, like you say, sun aren't MS, so you automatically feel more inclined to trust/like them.
"While envisaging the destruction of imperialism, it is necessary to identify its head, which is none other than the United States of America." - Ernesto Che Guevara