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apache win32 port

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quote:Originally posted by VoidMain:

Well, the word *is* out there.  It's just not "hammered" down your throat like Microsoft software is.
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You say that like advertising is a bad thing! <G> Seriously, that's part of the reason I got out of the field. There's too much bad advertising out there. Advertising, in and of itself, can be either a good thing - letting people know that a product/service is available, and what the *true* benefits might be - or a bad thing - supporting bad products through presenting a false image of what it is, and/or what its benefits are. And increasingly, the bad is "loud" enough to drown out most of the good kind. And the sad thing is, the people who start out trying to do the good kind feel compelled to compete with the bad kind, and they end up going over to the dark side too.

quote:Originally posted by VoidMain:

And to me there is one *big* issue that needs some work before it will really appeal to the *home* desktop user (in addition to application vendors porting their desktop software to Linux).  And that is the installation process itself.  <snip>  However I can see where it could be a nightmare for a new home user to comprehend.
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Yeah, that would certainly have to be addressed. "Telling" people that it's going to be better and easier, then giving them a nightmare will do more harm than not promising them anything. Bad word-of-mouth flies faster and farther than good-word-of mouth, because when people are pissed (and/or feel they've been mislead) they get LOUD about it.

quote:Originally posted by VoidMain:
Now, on the other hand, take someone like my father. The OS was installed when he got his computer (Win95).  *I* am the one who has to install applications for him and upgrade his OS to Win98, etc.  He couldn't create a shortcut if it jumped up and bit him in the nose.  He loves his Solitaire and Web browser though.
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Same with me and my mother - but I don't have nearly the background you do, so sometimes I end up "helping" by "sharing her pain" while we scratch our heads over it. As a matter of fact, I have to go up and install a new modem for her in the next week or so. I finally managed to find a external 56K that will "talk" to her old Win95/486 on her antiquated serial port! I am only hoping I don't have to change the initialization string, because I tossed my notes on the proper ones a couple of years ago.

quote:Originally posted by VoidMain:

I've definately got a leg up in Linux experience and it is very easy for me, however because of that I can't really tell how easy Linux has gotten and have fears that it may not be as easy as I think.  But I am encouraged by the youngsters on this site who have installed it, said it was easy, and said they were now very happy.  You will hopefully be my next experiment.      
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Well, as your next "project" I'll let you know how it feels from a barely-'puter-literate point of view when I get to the point where I can devote some time to installing it.

But first, I've got to get to the point of being ready to install it, so, to hasten that day... maybe you could answer a question for me??

The Apache server is installed, I'm running it as a console, got it "confined" to my local machine.  I haven't put in the PHP module yet because I *think* I have a problem (or maybe it's the way it's supposed to be, and I just don't know it). When I start it up, I get the DOS window that says it's running, as expected... but I can't type anything into it. I finally got a list of the compiled-in modules by opening a second DOS window, navigating to the directory and typing the command there. The server window WILL accept the shutdown command (control+c), but that's it. Is that normal?

That's not the only problem - some of the other commands returned "bad command or filename, you idiot" (OK, I'm lying about the last part) but I'm probably just typing them in wrong, or have to navigate to a subfolder or something. The fact that the list module worked tells me that it's probably MY error, not something wrong with the server.

But at least (after a couple of uninstall/re-installs on both) MySQL finally "found" MyODBC, and they seem to be really happy together. They make a really cute couple, too.


Hey, VoidMain... did I offend you somehow? If so, I'm sorry. And does this mean that I'm not going to be your next experiment?  :(  

Anyway, I just wanted to say that I solved my Apache problem. As usual (for me), it was user error.


I'm sorry Karen, I missed your last post.  And I don't get offended, I get even. (:

Now that I have read your last post I probably would not have been able to help you because after all, you are running Apache on Win32.  If you had been running it on *NIX I would have been more than happy to help you.

And I certainly am looking forward to the experiment although I am nervous about it.     Glad to hear you got it going.  Being familiar with the Apache config files will certainly be a plus when going to Linux (I prefer to edit them in a text editor to the graphical way because it is standard.  The instructions that you can give at that level will work across all installations.


quote:Originally posted by VoidMain:
[qb]I'm sorry Karen, I missed your last post.  And I don't get offended, I get even. (: [/b]
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Ah, good! That's my preferred style of dealing with offensive people too. (Considering the fact that killing them leads to an inordinate amount of unpleasantness involving the police, that is.)

quote:Originally posted by VoidMain:
Now that I have read your last post I probably would not have been able to help you because after all, you are running Apache on Win32.
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It was just a stupid GUIdiot mistake. The problem was that none of the resource materials I read ever imagined that anybody could be that dumb.

quote:Originally posted by VoidMain:
If you had been running it on *NIX I would have been more than happy to help you.
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The word "incorrigible" once again springs to mind.      

quote:Originally posted by VoidMain:
And I certainly am looking forward to the experiment although I am nervous about it.      
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Well, it will probably be a while, if I need 4 gigs - that's my whole hard drive, and I've only got about 1.7 gigs left. I've already uninstalled the bloatware Comcast put on my system, and I'm hoping to squeeze a little more out by clearing out the hidden files, but it still won't be enough. I'll probably have to wait until I'm ready to replace my computer - I was hoping to be able to convert before then, because I am NOT buying a machine with XP on it. Period.

I'm overdue, really - my CD drive is dying, and I can't get both the zip drive and the floppy to work at the same time. It's one or the other. I was hoping to just install a CD-RW and limp along for another year... don't have much use for floppies anyway, and with a RW, I wouldn't really NEED a zip drive.

BUT... there's still hope: I found a program called "WinLinux" - posted about it in the altOS section - that might get me started before I have to invest in a whole new system. If the whole thing isn't a scam or something that is.

quote:Originally posted by VoidMain:
Being familiar with the Apache config files will certainly be a plus when going to Linux (I prefer to edit them in a text editor to the graphical way because it is standard.  The instructions that you can give at that level will work across all installations.
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That's good to know, because I did the whole thing in Notepad and I think I actually understood most of it. It's got great "comment-tation" and I also followed along with my "Apache for Beginners" book. It's more geared toward *nix users, but there are "tips" for Windows installation too. I'm planning to try to set up a test database tomorrow, and play with php a bit. I've taken a couple of days off - had to deal with critter problems yesterday, and had a root canal today. Which was LOTS of fun.


Wanna buy a bridge?



[ February 13, 2002: Message edited by: Karen ]

[ February 13, 2002: Message edited by: Karen ]


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