Miscellaneous > Applications

Why not open source old stuff?

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This must be the most useless topic ever.
*OSS has NOTHING to do with proprietorial software

*OSS is NOT linux only.

*Linux is part of OSS.

*No OSS, no Linux.

*People who claim, having all sources isn't a BIG  extra, are all wrong.

quote:that is a problem for linux desktop adoption, there needs to be better support than "RTFM n00b!"
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I agree on this.

Only..., people who don't understand UNIX/Linux, OSS, X11, programming, ... shoudn't use wrong facts to make it look stupid.
Those things are very annoying and don't deserve a polite answer.
If you don't understand something, ask a question.

quote: I found the link to said ESR rant, here:
me[/b] GNU/Linux is the best OS available.
(without 'source code' it simply woudn't work!)
If you don't like it, don't use it.

[ March 09, 2004: Message edited by: insomnia ]


quote:That article is a joke and has nothing to do with available sources.
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Uh, it may be a joke, but it's a joke on you. Is the entire point lost on you because you can dismiss it as a "joke"?

And therein lies the problem. The problems will never go away because the "hard core OSS guys" SIMPLY DON'T GIVE A SHIT.

They think that if you don't already have an intimate knowledge of networking and computers, that you shouldn't try. But they make these frienly looking OSes that give a false appearance of being as easy to get through as Windows or Mac OS... but they're not. All because of attention to detail.

The issue isn't whether or not the article is a joke, but the issue is that the point made is true. Those are the problems. No matter how much GUI candy coating that's put on top, the developers always seem obsessed with letting that ole timey Unix mess show through.

I guess they feel that since *they* don't need an explaination of what something is, then nobody should. OSS makes the worst interfaces. I'm sorry, but it's true.

Oh, and you smell like two-day-old beef stew because you disagree.


quote:Originally posted by jimmyjames.sytes.net:

Oh, and you smell like two-day-old beef stew because you disagree.
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Oh well, I guess we'll never agree on this topic.

PS: Two-day-old beef stew can still be tasteful.


As long as at the end of the day, we can still speak intelligently :-D

it can still be flavorful, but the smell can be a little flat :-OP


quote:Originally posted by jimmyjames.sytes.net:

restin, if you can't see the point of what I said then,

And that's the truth.
--- End quote ---

Whatever, Maddox wannabe. Ever heard of Synaptic?


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