I think that Linux would make more money if people had to buy certain software for it (but for a small price), this would make money, but I mean, even the usage of Linux creates money for the company that has released that distribution.
I think that Microsoft & William are doing it all for the money, this has been an on-going thing, but Windows users refuse to believe that this is true, I don't think Bill even uses Windows personally (maybe he doesn't even use a computer, thats why he makes such a terrible closed-source product these days??).
Another point here, if Windows was built on Unix (or another base not sure what the word is to use :confused

for an OS and sold much cheaper, I think Microsoft wouldn't be so hated, but of course, this is just my opinion & this will never happen I think.

(Oh yes, and I have used Windows all my life & have only just started recently using Linux, but I have many more benefits from it over Windows, I won't have to re-install it as many times, only by my own error that i'd have to install it, not by having to buy really expensive anti-virii & firewall products in Windows).
I also used to use an old Apple PowerPC when I was really young, that was great, I think Apple & Linux will make it, but of course Microsoft will always have the upper hand at the end of the day (possibly).
All of this is MY OPINION, please do not discriminate against my views on false knowledge (always back up your discrimination with reliable sources!!!) please, thanks a lot, would be nice to hear what you guys have to say to this post.

[ March 30, 2004: Message edited by: Sex_Pistols_Fan_Linux_RuleZ_Windows ]