Author Topic: Frontpage Pages.  (Read 2302 times)

Doctor V

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Frontpage Pages.
« Reply #15 on: 11 May 2003, 21:37 »
Originally posted by baggab:
What's out there for OSS thats WYSIWYG?

I may be stuck using this program for a while.  Don't bother reminding me, I know it sucks.  Its just that I don't have the time to hand code everything now.  I  found some of the comments usefull.  The bottom line is: don't stray off the path to take a piss in the woods, you'll get mugged by the M$ time bandit.

There are plenty of HTML writing apps out there.  Frontpage really is the worst.  I'm not just saying that because I hate everthing M$, I'll even give M$ credit for whatever good apps it does make.  but this time I'm saying Frontpage is the worst because it really is the worst HTML composer on the market.  Of course, in short order, you really really should learn HTML brcause it is easy and the only way to make a really good webpage.  But if your not going to do that yet, Dreamweaver, which costs money is a little better than Frontpage.  Then there's mozilla composer and Netscape composer, both of which are free, and much better than Frontpage.  Just don't use frontpage, whatever you do, don't use frontpage.  If you, dispite hearing all we've said, were to still insist on using Frontpage, it would prove that you are just another windroid.  Can't have that can we?  Follow the link above, try mozilla 1.3 or 1.4beta, both the composer and browers.



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Frontpage Pages.
« Reply #16 on: 11 May 2003, 23:21 »
Amazingly enough, I must agree that Frontpage is evil.


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Frontpage Pages.
« Reply #17 on: 11 May 2003, 23:56 »
I must have lost my other post (still new at this.)

I got your message Doctor V and all.  I'll be ditching FrontPage.

Thanks for keeping me from getting mugged by the M$ time bandit.


this is a dead thread for me.

M$ FrontPage 2000 is history.

[ May 11, 2003: Message edited by: baggab ]