Ok, I have to admit, you have some great comments.
First, I, myself, hate MS. I am always looking for new apps etc to replace their MS counterparts (incredimail, mozilla etc). One major reason I still use(d) outlook is for my hotmail accounts. But, guess what, their recent changes (limiting storage, requiring log-on's ever 30 days) has made me slowly switch over to better webmail services. Can anyone tell me a great webmail service?
Second, can you tell me that a good linux distro will be 100 percent compatible with my PC hardware (2 year old Dell?). Also, would it be ok to run a dual boot machine...ie would I run into any problems or conflicts?
So, yes, I have been weaned on MS products since my inception and for that, I am infinitely biased. But I think that me just being here is a positive sign. I, myself, hate what and how MS has come to dominate the market. And, from what I hear, Linux/Mac have made huge inroads into making their products superior/easier to use. Because, if you look at the common user, most have trouble surfing the internet or changing their desktop theme. I, myself, was one of those people. But, a variety of factors have slowly started changing my mind (blue screens of death, freeze-ups, functionality limitations)
So, I guess my complaint about non-MS products has come full circle. I have many apps/games that are just not available on Linux/Mac. So, I think I will always need to keep Windoze for those. But, I think that Linux will offer a better day to day computing experience. Now, again with my question, what Linux distro would be well suited to a Noob running a dual boot machine?
Well, thanks for the responses and suggestions...