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openoffice and mozilla composer are both free open source wysiwyg html editors. to use composer, start mozilla and press alt-f4, i think, to use openoffice for a wysiwyg, just save as html. unlike microsoft word, this will actually SAVE YOUR DOCUMENT AS REAL HTML!

may i say, all these apps that were slow and which crashed, did you try them out in windows? that might be your problem right there.

now, onto another reply:
quote:Open office is BETTER than M$ office. Just because it is not 100% compatable with M$ does not mean it is no good. And to be fair you can save documents as .doc and I have yet to find a document that will not work.
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i can email you my girlfriend's CV if you want, it opens in openoffice in windows, and does not even open in openoffice for linux. Unfortunately if you open it in windows/openoffice and touch any formatting, the formatting has all been fucked up when you reopen in word. This is one document that has me beaten as regards editing it in linux. Until she relents and saves as html using openoffice she will have to reboot for each time she wants to edit her CV.

To be honest I think CVs will be a problem, probably the biggest problem in general.

Why. That's because CVs were started years ago. They are constantly updated and they are produced using different versions of word processor. So you have the inherent incompatability with Word .doc format over it's various incarnations. Add to that it's changed between different word processor applications.

The issue is probably that the document is full of old formating issues that are no longer supported, deemed a bad idea or not carried through on an industry wide basis. Maybe it's time for a rewrite - and yes I agree with your following statement - you should not have to do this. You may want to try saving it as a rich text or old word style format. Of course you have probably tried all this (but someone might need this suggestion).

Now, I did install Opera 6 and tried to get into the zone.  Yes, the zone was displayed correctly but the moment I tried to play Rogue Spear (you need to install some files) the whole process ground to a halt.  Again, this is a Microsoft Site with Microsoft  software so no surprise there.  I was just hoping that it would actually work but now I'll have to resort to using IE for the zone.

And, thanks for the info on WYSIWYG html editors.  The problem that I have is that I use Dreamweaver and would really like to use it (or a similar editor) if I switched to Linux.  As of now, I don't think there are any powerful html editors for Linux??!!


spinningheel, mozilla composer *is* as good as dreamweaver for html. I have not tried it for dynamic stuff so it might not be as good as Ultradev. However it is *not* dreamweaver so if you do try mozilla composer do give it a chance to grow on you. Also, remember you can always open the document in openoffice which will give you different toolbars and so on, and you can also edit the html in any text editor (quanta is a good one, it has full toolbars, colour coded html text and a bunch of other stuff.

Don't make the mistake of thinking mozilla composer is not as good as DW just because it is free. GIMP is better than photoshop and it's free, and well, linux is better than windows and it's free... hmm.
Also, if you want desperately to run ultradev, you might want to try running it using WineX or another windows emulator, although i wouldn't hold my breath. I used to be in exactly the same boat as you and i am now happily editing my html in emacs on linux...

re: my girlfriend's CV, it is a word97/2000 document full of tables and the like that i suspect are all the same sort of thing as you find in access or one of the other M$ office apps. Since openoffice doesn't do access emulation then i think that is part of the problem.

Yes we have tried saving as rtf - disaster. Formatting mostly ignored, text boxes not supported, all sorts of crap.

Saving as html will enable me to retain much of the formatting however we will then not be able to control page breaks, also i would have to write the CV, and my girlfriend would not be able to edit it herself, since she cannot write html to the standard of putting in tables and shaded cells and so on.

[ October 03, 2002: Message edited by: Calum ]

[ October 03, 2002: Message edited by: Calum ]


quote:Originally posted by spinningheel4242:

And, thanks for the info on WYSIWYG html editors.  The problem that I have is that I use Dreamweaver and would really like to use it (or a similar editor) if I switched to Linux.  As of now, I don't think there are any powerful html editors for Linux??!!

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I use Quanta Plus. It does a very nice job. Check out my website. Parts of it were written in MS Frontpage Express and parts were written in Quanta Plus. You can't tell the which is which.  

I now use only Quanta Plus so as time goes by it will all be done in Quanta Plus as I make adjustments and updates.

Quanta Plus isn't WYSIWYG but it offers a nice preview option. Usually I just open the html page I am working on in a browser then as I make changes I keep refreshing it until I get it the way I want it.


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