Author Topic: DAMN NON-MS APPLICATIONS!!  (Read 7878 times)


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« Reply #30 on: 5 October 2002, 21:17 »
Better free webmail?

MyRealBox (no pop3, no advertisement, downtime, 10 MB)
Yahoo! Mail (pay for pop3, few banners, 6 MB)
Swirvemail (no pop3, few banners and pop-ups)


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« Reply #31 on: 6 October 2002, 01:59 »
Originally posted by psyjax:

Beside's as Void says, spending 2000+ on a computer so you can play games is nonsense. Spend 200 on a PS2.
[ October 05, 2002: Message edited by: psyjax ]

You don't know gamers very well. (uh oh. I sense an unorganized, pointless rant coming on.) PC's allow hardware upgrades (gamers always want the fastest everything. And when the PS2 is a 4 year old piece of aged hardware, PC gamers will be enjoying a Geforce6), many many more games, PC games are playable on all PC's (well.. Windows PC's mainly), while the console mareket is currently split by 3 systems, PC's come standard with a mouse and keyboard, which is certainly a major plus for any FPS fan. You have the higher res monitors (while some current consoles do offer VGA compatibilty though). PC's also offer mod capability, which is quite big currently. A $219 million industry isn't to be taken lightly.


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« Reply #32 on: 6 October 2002, 03:18 »
"(uh oh. I sense an unorganized, pointless rant coming on.)" Gee... way to give me credit  

My take on the whole thing is simple. Sure you get all the upgrades and crap, but you will never have to upgrade a PS2, and you are insured that the consol will be viable for several years to come. I can guarantee that a PS2 is still going to have great games coming out for it roughly 10 years down the line. I buy a new $2000+ PC today, in two years, I won't be able to run crap less I upgrade my video card, or processor etc. I don't know about you, but that seems pretty silly. Sure, there are militant gamers out there who thinks the price is worth it, if that's the case, more power to you. I personaly HATE FPS games.


As for Mac G4 vs. P4. I say the G4 will kick the shit out of any P4 running windoze. That horrible, crippled, disorganized, and badly designed OS can make any user experience horrible. Not to mention the software/hardware compatability headaches that will inevitably crop up.

A Mac works, and will probably allways work, plain and simple. So yea it compares to P4 wintel box, it flies by them.

It's kind of like the guy with a supped up civic and Im in a 911 turbo. Sure, your civic may pull ahead of me once in a while, but in the end, it's just a shitty civic and I'm driving the Porch.

[ October 05, 2002: Message edited by: psyjax ]



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« Reply #33 on: 6 October 2002, 03:37 »
let's not ramble of onto a playstation topic, i want to reply to spinningheel.

spinningheel, i myself have a cantankerous piece of shit (but expensive, mind!) laptop whose hardware is determined not to work with ANY system (including win9x which is what it came with). I now dual boot between windows millenium (which has not seen light for about a week now) and mandrake linux 8.2 (i use this one daily). this is a few months to a year old now and i have found that newer distros have noticably more hardware support than distros of even a month or two before.

I recommend mandrake and red hat. Now both of those are currently on their *.0 (maybe even beta) releases, and i would recommend either getting red hat 7.3 or mandrake 8.2 (or is it 8.3?) which are the NEXT most recent versions, because these versions will not be so 'cutting edge' and so therefore will be more stable. At least this is the impression i have got anyway.

Other top picks that i have not tried are SuSE which is more of a commercial linux than most and so it will have a more no-nonsense approach to supporting people's PCs, and Lycoris, about which i have heard next to nothing except for mutterrings recently that it might be a good first time linux to try out.

Now your Dell of two years i don't know. If it's a desktop and if you have not installed any really weird cards and so on then you should be 100% OK. Likewise, a dual boot should work fine so long as you get your partitioning alright. I am the eternal tinkerer and i have had a few partitioning disasters,so watch your step. While it is easy to partition correctly, it is also easy to accidentally erase a lot of stuff!  :D

One thing to do is find out what modem you have, find out what video card you have and find out what sound card you have. Then nosey around on the internet looking for references to those exact model numbers and see what other people say about them in linux.

OK. Hope i didn't sound too harsh up there but people who say "windows is good enough for me, think i'll just live with it" really piss me off. These (to my mind) are the same people that don't bother to vote, who take up space needlessly on the train and who say things like "nah mate, sorry but it's more than my job's worth"...
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« Reply #34 on: 6 October 2002, 03:43 »
Originally posted by Calum:
OK. Hope i didn't sound too harsh up there but people who say "windows is good enough for me, think i'll just live with it" really piss me off. These (to my mind) are the same people that don't bother to vote, who take up space needlessly on the train and who say things like "nah mate, sorry but it's more than my job's worth"...

Furthermore, it makes no sense NOT to have some version of linux on your computer. I mean, it's Free!  :D

[ October 05, 2002: Message edited by: psyjax ]



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« Reply #35 on: 6 October 2002, 04:28 »
Hey Spin,

I'm not trying to change your mind. I am just stating facts. I use a dual boot system. Linux Redhat 7.2 (hopefully upgrading to 8.0 soon) and Win98. I use Redhat for almost everything now except playing games like Diablo II. When I started out I used Windows as much as Linux and it took time for me to reach a point where I could easily use linux for whatever I wanted.

Today my wife and I were shopping at Walmart and I stopped in the electronics section just to check out the price of Windows XP. The Home version was $100.00 USD and the Pro version was $200.00 USD. Both of these were upgrade versions. So for all that cash you only get an upgrade version or if you have a fast connection you can download linux for free. If your like me and don't have a fast connection you can go HERE and order the CD for just a few bucks.

I will be completely honest with you. At first linux will be a pain to use (I don't know about Redhat 8.0 because I dont have it yet) but in time it will become almost second nature to you. Meantime Linux and Windows can live side by side on the same hard drive. If you want to use Windows use it if you want to use Linux use it.

They both live on my system even now. I like playing some games and I use Windows to play them. By the same token if I connect to the web I will be using Linux.

Do what works for you and dont worry about what anyone else thinks.  


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« Reply #36 on: 6 October 2002, 08:15 »
With regards to Linux and Dell, I offer you this link.

Hope this may answer your compatability questions.
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« Reply #37 on: 6 October 2002, 11:54 »
Well, thanks for the suggestions guys.

I have now started moving all of my web-based email to yahoo (from hotmail).
I am also looking for a good and easy Linux distro to put on my dell desktop xps t600r

That link to the dell forum answered a lot of questions about compatibility issues.  

Now, my only chore is to find a Linux distro.  I don't want to pay for one now but if it is what I am looking for, then I'd gladly pay for it.

Thanks again



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« Reply #38 on: 6 October 2002, 12:08 »
All I can say is Dell's distro of choice is RedHat and that is what they ship on their servers. That doesn't mean that every single piece of equipment they sell works with RedHat but they do have a deals with RedHat.

I used to work at a large corp that used Dell exclusively and I have always had good luck with RedHat on all of their desktop line and most of their Laptops. There has been only one case recently of a piece of hardware that didn't work right off and that was in a brand new model of a Dell laptop with a built in winmodem. I didn't even try to make it work, just stuck a xircom PCMCIA modem in the PCMCIA slot and away I went.

But I suspect you won't have much trouble with any of the Distros. Dell is fairly Linux friendly period. I've run several distros on several models of Dell desktops over the years and rarely have an issue with any of their hardware.
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« Reply #39 on: 6 October 2002, 13:48 »
Void Main,

Thanks for the info...I'll probably buy Redhat if my trial Linux works out.  I am probably going to use MaxOS first and see how it all jives...



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« Reply #40 on: 6 October 2002, 13:59 »
Oops, thought it sayd MacOS...

my bad  :D

[ October 06, 2002: Message edited by: psyjax ]



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« Reply #41 on: 6 October 2002, 21:44 »
Hmmm, never heard of MaxOS. What is that?
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« Reply #42 on: 6 October 2002, 22:47 »
Originally posted by Refalm:
Better free webmail?

MyRealBox (no pop3, no advertisement, downtime, 10 MB)
Yahoo! Mail (pay for pop3, few banners, 6 MB)
Swirvemail (no pop3, few banners and pop-ups)
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« Reply #43 on: 6 October 2002, 22:51 »
Originally posted by void main:
Hmmm, never heard of MaxOS. What is that?
try google
or just read the article at LWN is gone so maybe they went under?

[ October 06, 2002: Message edited by: The Master of Reality / Bob ]

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« Reply #44 on: 6 October 2002, 22:53 »
Originally posted by The Master of Reality / Bob:
try google
or just read the article at LWN

[ October 06, 2002: Message edited by: The Master of Reality / Bob ]

Ahhh, a taste of my own medicine.  
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