Miscellaneous > Applications


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Ok, your distro probably has a graphical config for  this but I'll give you directions that will work on any GRUB based system. You should have a "/boot/grub" directory. In that directory you should find a "menu.lst" or a "grub.conf" file.

Edit that file (either one, and you probably will have to do this as root). You should see a line that says "default=0". If so change it to "default=1". If the line doesn't exist just insert it in the top of the file.

When you reboot it should default to the second menu item rather than the first. You can also change the time it takes to start the default with the "timeout=" setting. Example "timeout=30" would wait 30 seconds before booting the defulat OS.

Another option is to move the entire Windows section of the grub.conf file right above the Linux section. That will reverse the order shown on your boot menu (don't change the "default=0" if you choose to do it this way). An OS section consists of more than one line and beginning with a line that starts with the word "title" and ends when it reaches the beginning of another OS section or the end of the file. If you feel unsure about this just change the "default=1" as I mentioned first.

Hope this helps.

[ October 08, 2002: Message edited by: void main ]


Ok, I was finally able to edit the grub boot (had to log in as root) and now windows is primary boot with linux as second with a 15 second delay....thanks a bunch...

I am really impressed with linux...but there are a few issues:

1.  I can't seem to access my mp3's, that reside on my fat32 drive -->  I want to listen to them in linux but not copy them over to the partition....is there a way of doing this?

2.  My printer doesn't seem to work -->  I choose the correct printer during install but it doesn't seem to recognize the printer (hp 832c usb)

3.  I can't seem to install any other packages or programs from the internet  -->  I can get to the download screen, and it looks like it is opening but then, nothing...is there a way to install Linux that is different from windows?




quote:Originally posted by spinningheel4242:
1.  I can't seem to access my mp3's, that reside on my fat32 drive -->  I want to listen to them in linux but not copy them over to the partition....is there a way of doing this?

--- End quote ---

Most certainly you can, but you have to mount your Windows partition. This is a frequently asked question on these forums though so I would suggest you click on the search link near the top of this page, select "Linux/UNIX" in the pulldown menu and type in "fstab" in the keyword box and press the search button. You should find several examples/instructions on how to mount your Windows C: drive.

2.  My printer doesn't seem to work -->  I choose the correct printer during install but it doesn't seem to recognize the printer (hp 832c usb)

--- End quote ---

I am afraid I can't help you with this one as I have never used the distribution that you are using. Underneath they are all pretty much the same and I could give you those instructions but I would search google for information specific to your distro. Or wait for help from someone else here that has used it.

3.  I can't seem to install any other packages or programs from the internet  -->  I can get to the download screen, and it looks like it is opening but then, nothing...is there a way to install Linux that is different from windows?

--- End quote ---

Ditto for answer #2. Dang, only 1 for 3 on this one.

Also, I would suggest if you have any more questions on this you start a new thread in the Linux/UNIX forum. It's really no longer Windows related.  

[ October 08, 2002: Message edited by: void main ]

Okay, been there and done that.  Every linux distro that I have used has been less than stellar (MaxOS, Desktop Lx, and Redhat).  I have to again reclaim my position on this subject....

Non-MS applications do not have a chance of ever converting the masses to their side.  No OS, No Office Suite, and No Game Portal will match MS in the next few years.  

Yes, Linux is powerful etc etc....bla bla bla

But, for the everyday user, it doesn't inspire the confidence or functionality that MS does.  Sorry for the spanking but man, I have reformatted too many times in the last month to be a promoter of Linux or non-MS apps.

I have used StarOffice, Corel, OpenOffice, EasyOffice, ClarisWorks, and others.....non come close to the functionality of MS.  Yes, they have the basic and common functionality and useage....but there is where the similarities end.  It is infinitely more difficult to learn and to use a non-MS word processing app because they just don't hold a candle to MS......yet.  

Please, don't get me wrong, I think this fuckmicrosoft movement is great...or I wouldn't be here....it is just that I haven't seen the light yet.

I want to use Linux but so many sites/applications/games/ don't support it

I want to use non-MS word processors but they don't have the full functionality that MS does

I want to use non-MS but the reality is, the alternatives are just not ready yet....


I do feel the need to ask how long you actually worked with all of the alternatives?  Things will be difficult at first simply because you're used to something else.

I firmly hold the belief that non-MS products are only difficult to use because people have been using MS products for so long that it would take much longer than a few days, or even a few weeks, to learn something equally (in most cases, more so) functional.  

You say they don't hold a candle to MS, I respectfully disagree.  I used Word Perfect and Netscape for as long as I've owned my own computer, and they are highly reliable products with many advanced features.  Although I have recently switched to Opera as my internet browser, and I find it to be better than Netscape.  The alternatives are out there, and they ARE high quality.  In most cases they are higher quality than anything Microsoft has put out.  

I use Mandrake 8.2 myself, and for the first week I had nothing but problems with it, but 95% of the time, it was because I did something stupid.  Now I find myself booting into Windows 98 less and less (in fact the last time I booted into it was almost three weeks ago.  I do all of my work and play in Linux now).  And I'm hardly a Windows moron, either.  I knew how to tweak things to my liking, mostly because I had to fix things to make them work.  Same with Linux, I may have to tweak a few things, but 95% of the time, it works the way it's supposed to.

Your statement that the alternatives are not ready for mainstream is misleading at best.  Most computer users have never tried alternatives, because they're not aware of what's out there.  There's lots of high quality software for Linux out there, and it's not hard to find, either.

And even if there is some software in Windows you really want to use, there are ways to run Windows software in Linux.  (I've actually spent the $25 for Codeweavers Crossover Plugin)


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