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quote:Originally posted by spinningheel4242:
Also, is there another Linux distro that I should try or is Redhat going to be the best??
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I haven't tried all 500+ distributions so there is no way I can answer that. All I can say is that of the ones that I have tried I would consider RedHat to generally be the best for most people at this point and time (and has been for me for the last 6 or 7 years). SuSe is right up there and Mandrake is as well. If you are not a new user and don't care about a flashy installer, Debian is probably the best, especially true if Free/Open is important to you.
And like I said, since RedHat is the one I am most familiar with, I can provide better quality help on that distro. There are plenty of people who are more familiar with the other distros who can also provide good help with those. Much of it is common across all distros but there are distro specific issues.
You will be missing the quantity of games available to the windows OS, but if you are determined enough, you might be able to find a lot of the old Loki titles. So far Ive found Quake 3, Heretic 2, and Railroad Tycoon 2. I just wish I could find the Loki Sim City 3000. I would kill for that. Most distros include the best linux based game anyway. BZFLAG!!!!!! Its a first person tank shooter. They even have a windows port(lol, usually its the other way around). Oh and I recently found out they have a Mac Os X version now too.
Ok, I am trying out RH8 now and like it...other than my sound doesn't work.
But my main complaint about Linux is that it is too splintered to offer any real help or common goal. As void said, there are 500+ distro's etc...
That is the main problem of linux and it will never be solved. Pro-linux individuals praise linux and promote it but wait a minute...which one are they talking about. Yes, Linux is the basis of all distro's etc...but not having one or two main distro's will forever kill linux becoming a major desktop replacement.
It is because of that fact that major companies haven't wasted their money developing apps to run on linux...there are just too many variations...ultimately the limiting factor of open source.
It would be best if all of the open source info came into a melting pot and out popped a universal linux distro...now wouldn't that be great??
But my main complaint about Linux is that it is too splintered to offer any real help or common goal. As void said, there are 500+ distro's etc...
That is the main problem of linux and it will never be solved. Pro-linux individuals praise linux and promote it but wait a minute...which one are they talking about. Yes, Linux is the basis of all distro's etc...but not having one or two main distro's will forever kill linux becoming a major desktop replacement.
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There are two or three major distros that companies write for, which are Red Hat, Mandrake, and SuSe. If any vendor writes anything for Linux, they usually concentrate on these three, since they're the most user-friendly and popular (since Xandros, Lycoris, and Lindows haven't been around long enough to gain a huge amount of following) They almost always include a tar.gz file for advanced users, and pretty much if anyone uses a distro other than the above three, they're advanced users anyway. No, they don't have to support all 500+ distributions. They can just concentrate on the two or three most popular ones. Linux can still become a major desktop replacement even with more than 500 distributions. People will select a distribution based on their needs, but be guaranteed that their software will work on it since it is a Linux platform.
If you are using... which you probably aren't... convert to the new JBrowse... this can be DLed at www.joshbart.com/jbrowse . This is compatible with ALL forms of HTML and XML and Java/Javascript. It is definetely the best browser I have ever used. As for the BSD/UNIX/Linux people, then there are compatibility problems... but JBrowse will hopefully be out for Linux and Mac January. I am not a part of the JBrowse team (and I never would be, I am a dedicated FreeBSD user), but a friend of mine personally knows this "Josh Bart" (he's Canadian or something) and I constantly hear of devolopment for JBrowse
Get JBrowse
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