Author Topic: Nintendo Gamecube... comments?  (Read 8613 times)


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Nintendo Gamecube... comments?
« Reply #30 on: 8 May 2002, 19:00 »
well, i have full .swf support from quicktime, on this mac, but i don't think they were all right answers... Matter of opinion, i understand now what that link was all about......
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Nintendo Gamecube... comments?
« Reply #31 on: 11 May 2002, 01:39 »
I went with the GameCube in the end... got it about a week ago, and am very pleased with it.

My first go on it was with a few colleagues at work playing Rogue Leader. I was abusing my position and used the conference room with the multimedia projector to play it on. With the lights out and a screen the size of a wall, it's better than watching Star Wars in the Cinema!

Very pleased with it so far, anyway... a little disappointed with the range of games available for the release date, but I'm sure that a lot of really good games will start to appear very soon.

In any case there was no way I was going to go near the X-Box no matter how good the games are for it...

From reports I've heard here in the UK, the GameCube has sold better in Europe in its first week than the X-Box did in the same region. I like to think I've had a hand in that...!


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Nintendo Gamecube... comments?
« Reply #32 on: 12 May 2002, 21:11 »
I own a GameCube. It's a cute little box with pretty good graphics performance that runs on a modified G3.

I recommend getting one because of the low entry price point, Star Fox Adventures, and Eternal Darkness. Oh, and the new Resident Evil is pretty damned nice too.