Author Topic: Nintendo Gamecube... comments?  (Read 8616 times)


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Nintendo Gamecube... comments?
« Reply #15 on: 1 May 2002, 15:52 »
the SNES was deliberately designed to grab the Megadrive's (Genesis to the yanks) market, that's why it deliberately pinpoints the megadrive's weak points. Not only that, but aren't you forgetting that it took 2 YEARS for nintendo to bring out the SNES after the megadrive first came on the scene? how impressive. In the interim 2 years, what did nintendo have to compete with the megadrive? the nintendo entertainment system. 'Nuff said.

Finally, surely it's about the games? Fair enough, bomberman (one of my favourites) had tons of games released for the various nintendo platforms, including 5 for the super nintendo and only one for the megadrive, but now you can even get bomberman for the playstation. It's moot. Sonic was on the megadrive and so was alex kidd, and a whole other lot of stuff. Even things that came out for both, just seemed to be less twee and sugary on the megadrive.

I don't know, it's up to preference, but in my mind, nintendo were always the catchers up during that era.

and re: emulators in linux, get fucked, there's tons. There's hardly a comprehensive choice for windows either, is there? there's only one emulator for the Atari Lynx, and only one of any consequence for the PCEngine/Turbografx16. There's not even an emulator for the SEGA Saturn yet (1 machine i'm glad i still have), or one that works for the SEGA 32X.

Anyway, Microsoft makes a grand total of NO emulators for consoles in windows so it's totally pointless to say how much better windows is than linux because most of those emulators are hobby projects written in, for example, C or C++ (unix languages originally) and could easily be ported, source code availability permitting.

[ May 01, 2002: Message edited by: Calum ]

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Nintendo Gamecube... comments?
« Reply #16 on: 1 May 2002, 16:10 »
Originally posted by Zombie9920:

Anyways, Why have a bunch of old consoles like the SNES and Genesis sitting around taking up space in your house when you can just use an emulator and roms for those systems on your PC? Oh yeah! Thats right, you don't use much for good emulators. LOL

You know, some good ol' classic 16-bit gaming sounds fun right about now. I think I'm gonna go burn some time on Super Metroid. I should have it beat before 8 A.M.    

[ May 01, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]

And once again zombie shows his complete ignorance about anything not windows....

No good emulators for linux? lol ... how about VGBA, zsnes, snes9x, xmame (just to name a few of the zillions out there)

And nothing beats the feeling of the old clunky nes 8 bit controllers and the clunky nes cartridge system to generally enhance your retro gaming experience .... emulators are cool, but they will never replace the real deal......

oh .... you compare the snes to the genesis, but the genesis (or the mega drive, as they would call it here in europe) was never designed to compete with the snes, it was designed to compete with the nes (and it kicked the nes's ass, no arguing about that, only problem was that the market share of the nes was already so big that it didn't make much of a difference)
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Nintendo Gamecube... comments?
« Reply #17 on: 1 May 2002, 16:10 »
Originally posted by Calum:
the SNES was deliberately designed to grab the Megadrive's (Genesis to the yanks) market, that's why it deliberately pinpoints the megadrive's weak points. Not only that, but aren't you forgetting that it took 2 YEARS for nintendo to bring out the SNES after the megadrive first came on the scene? how impressive. In the interim 2 years, what did nintendo have to compete with the megadrive? the nintendo entertainment system. 'Nuff said.

Finally, surely it's about the games? Fair enough, bomberman (one of my favourites) had tons of games released for the various nintendo platforms, including 5 for the super nintendo and only one for the megadrive, but now you can even get bomberman for the playstation. It's moot. Sonic was on the megadrive and so was alex kidd, and a whole other lot of stuff. Even things that came out for both, just seemed to be less twee and sugary on the megadrive.

I don't know, it's up to preference, but in my mind, nintendo were always the catchers up during that era.

and re: emulators in linux, get fucked, there's tons. There's hardly a comprehensive choice for windows either, is there? there's only one emulator for the Atari Lynx, and only one of any consequence for the PCEngine/Turbografx16. There's not even an emulator for the SEGA Saturn yet (1 machine i'm glad i still have), or one that works for the SEGA 32X.

Anyway, Microsoft makes a grand total of NO emulators for consoles in windows so it's totally pointless to say how much better windows is than linux because most of those emulators are hobby projects written in, for example, C or C++ (unix languages originally) and could easily be ported, source code availability permitting.

[ May 01, 2002: Message edited by: Calum ]

I was never impressed with the Sega Genesis/Megadrive. Back in the day I bought a Genesis and got burned out on Sonic quickly..about as fast as the little bastid runs(and there were really no other games on the Genesis I liked back then) so I turned to my NES to play the stuff that I still enjoy to this day...stuff like Zelda, Metroid and the other classic shit on the regular NES. Then came the SNES. I bought it and I was pleased with it because all of my favorite classics were enhanced for the SNES and some of the other not so classic games that were on the SNES were superior to thier Genesis counterparts(Maximum Carnage, Street Fighter 2, Mortal Kombat II, Zombies Ate My Neighbors, Super Ghouls and Ghosts, etc.).

As for the Emulators. ZSNES is a great SNES emulator and there is a Linux port to it but the Linux port does not run as many games because of a bug in the SFX chip emulation in Linux. Ages v.0.27a emulates the Sega Genesis, 32x and it also emulates the SegaCD(there are no Linux equivalents that I know of). SSF is a good Sega Saturn emulator(for Windows only) that can run almost every Sega Saturn game(there are no Linux equivalents that I know of). Windows has Project64 which runs roughly around 94% of the N64 games out there...the only Linux N64 emulator that I know of is Fake64 and it doesn't run shit. If you are into emulation Linux is definatley the wrong OS to be using.

[ May 01, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]


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Nintendo Gamecube... comments?
« Reply #18 on: 2 May 2002, 03:29 »
can anybody give me a site where i can get a snes emulator or a playstation emulator
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Nintendo Gamecube... comments?
« Reply #19 on: 2 May 2002, 03:57 »
Originally posted by leon:
can anybody give me a site where i can get a snes emulator or a playstation emulator

SNES Emulator - and (Go for ZSNES over SNES9x because the sound support in SNES9x sucks).

Sony Playstation Emulator -
(requires the Sony Playstation BIOS file which you can get here - )

These Emulators are ported for both Windows and Linux.


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Nintendo Gamecube... comments?
« Reply #20 on: 2 May 2002, 13:16 »


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Nintendo Gamecube... comments?
« Reply #21 on: 2 May 2002, 14:21 »
re: zombie61541314351's emulator comments, you can get zsnes and i think ePSXe for linux too, there are definitely a lot of linux emulators for a lot of nintendo consoles, can't be arsed remembering them all right now.
Anyway, he is wrong again about zsnes vs snes9x. snes9x is better, the end.
Maybe for someone who doesn't care to learn how to USE a program, zsnes is the better choice.

It's amazing how zombie351351431451 can be so consistently wrong! it's a real achievement!

[ May 02, 2002: Message edited by: Calum ]

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Nintendo Gamecube... comments?
« Reply #22 on: 3 May 2002, 21:48 »
Before i had a PS II, I had a N-64 as they kick PS-I's A$$ and now that there is the x-box us Sony and Nintendo fans can unite and crusade agaist...
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Ooooops i ment box now didnt I  


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Nintendo Gamecube... comments?
« Reply #23 on: 3 May 2002, 22:00 »
Originally posted by Calum:
re: zombie61541314351's emulator comments, you can get zsnes and i think ePSXe for linux too, there are definitely a lot of linux emulators for a lot of nintendo consoles, can't be arsed remembering them all right now.
Anyway, he is wrong again about zsnes vs snes9x. snes9x is better, the end.
Maybe for someone who doesn't care to learn how to USE a program, zsnes is the better choice.

It's amazing how zombie351351431451 can be so consistently wrong! it's a real achievement!

[ May 02, 2002: Message edited by: Calum ]

No seriously. Snes9x for Windows has worse sound support than ZSnes. This can be proven by playing the MegaMan X series. When you shoot the charged X-Buster it should make a lighting like crashing sound(the same applies for those one big robots that shoot shock balls across the floor) but in snes9x the lightning like sound is a boing noise(sounds like a damn pinball machine). Another example of the messed up sound in Snes9x...In The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past...when the soldiers in the light world spot you and make that noise they make it doesn't sound right in SNES9x(because of the same sound problem). The reason it does this is because Snes9x doesn't properly emulate the sound spline interlopetion. It is not noticable in alot of games..but in games that make alot of use of the interloption you can tell a major difference in the SFX.
BTW, the graphics look better in ZSNES anyways(unless of course you are using the OpenGL rendering in SNES9x..but the games just don't look like they did on the original console in OpenGL.

Another example of SNES9x's flawed Zelda...again.

Whenever you first start the game and the sword comes down on the Z in the word Zelda it doesn't sound right and any part of the game that uses that exact same sound doesn't sound right either. Also, whenever you charge up your sword and tap walls with the sword it doesn't sound right. Instead of going tink, tink tink it sounds like he is tapping on a piece of fiberglass(it goes twank twank twank). In ZSNES every sound for every game is the way it should be(like the actual games on the actual SNES).

Face it, SNES9x needs work. The only reason I could think of that you would think SNES9x is better is because it runs better on lower end systems(like pre Pentium 233MMX systems). ZSNES has no speed issues at all on systems that are above 400mhz.

What the hell are you talking about ZSNES is for people who don't care to learn how to use a program? SNES9x is easier to use than ZSNES so I think that that comment should be switched over to SNES9x instead of ZSNES.

ZSNES emulates all of the sound and graphics stuff perfectly. It is so amazing to see a person who is wrong claim someone else is wrong. LmFaO.

BTW, I said that ZSNES, SNES9x and ePSXE are ported to Linux you dolt.         :rolleyes:  

Now tell me how SNES9x is superior to ZSNES. Instead of saying your opinion just tell me some facts(like ZSNES bugs) that make SNES9x better.

[ May 03, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]


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Nintendo Gamecube... comments?
« Reply #24 on: 3 May 2002, 23:44 »
The Mac Port of SNES9X, is pretty rock solid. It supports nearly every nintendo game (the latest release seems to have broken StarFox tho!).

Whenever I am using a PC I opt for ZSNES, because I have to side with Zombie78764545648 on this one, it's a better emulator overal. Kinda like NESticle vs. some of the other ones out there. Tho again, iNes and RockNes for the Mac are far supperior to their counterparts on other platforms.

I think we owe most of that to Jhon Stilles who runs and Richard Banistar, two of the bigest names in the Mac emulation community. They have done alot to make emulation on the Mac some of the best around. No good N64 emulator yet tho, I don't really care, I have the origional consol with a bunch of the games I like for it anyway.


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Nintendo Gamecube... comments?
« Reply #25 on: 4 May 2002, 10:24 »
Ooooops i ment box now didnt I
You can click on the edit icon and fix that y'know   ;)  

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[ May 04, 2002: Message edited by: jtpenrod ]

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Nintendo Gamecube... comments?
« Reply #26 on: 8 May 2002, 05:05 »
Here's the link to setting up your ps2 to play Tony HHawk Pro Skater 3 online...

[ May 07, 2002: Message edited by: trc3 ]

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Nintendo Gamecube... comments?
« Reply #27 on: 8 May 2002, 17:12 »
Originally posted by Zombie9920:
If you are into emulation Linux is definatley the wrong OS to be using.
Originally posted by Zombie9920:
Go for ZSNES over SNES9x because the sound support in SNES9x sucks.
Sony Playstation Emulator -


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Nintendo Gamecube... comments?
« Reply #28 on: 8 May 2002, 17:56 »
unusual link,


what's it got to do with nintendo?
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Nintendo Gamecube... comments?
« Reply #29 on: 8 May 2002, 18:19 »
It's the correct answer sound from WWTBAM. Don't you have Flash installed?