calum junior wins.
i'm off. this forum sucks these days. for the record, calum junior's login name is 'arsehole'. What motivates somebody to do this? somebody who claims to have left for good perhaps but who always takes any credit for downtime we might have had here and who read that i had chickenpox and might not be around for a few days.
Well fuck it, i really am sick of it. you guys love zombie90210 so much? you can fucking have him. you all reply to him and give him a reason to live, go for it, but i have better things to waste my time on than this forum.
to be honest i felt a kind of obligation to come here since i moderate so many of the forums, but frankly, i really think there are enough other moderators that give a shit right now and the content on this forum really has decreased of late.
This isn't another 'that's it i'm leaving' post, i'm just giving you warning that i will only be here ocassionally from now on, instead of making the effort i used to make. that effort has become work, when it used to be enjoyable.
see you in here for some handbagging but will see you elsewhere for real discussion.