All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Hardware

Microsoft Always Pulls Through

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well it's not likely i will be helping anybody here much in future, looks like everybody who has a real question asks it elsewhere nowadays (if they're smart anyway) because of the cesspit of irrelevance this forum has become.


quote:Originally posted by Linux User #5225982375:
Tell me, why do you call Calum a fucking nerd for spending lots of time on this forum when you used to spend almost as much time here yourself?
--- End quote ---

Oddly enough he does so after claiming to leave but seems to have ended up as a lurker.

What are the specs on your mac Macman,  I have Warcraft III for my mac and it runs like shit, even at lowest settings.  My PowerMac stinks at games, I think its the shit ass radeon.

PowerMac Quicsilver 733MHz
Radeon 7500 32MB
One 60GB and one 40GB HD

I have a Microsoft Optical Intellimouse Explorer.
It works fine.

Um, when did this become a "let's have a moderator bitch fight" forum?  Please, people, we're on about mice here...

Oh, and I cannot believe you like microsoft mice.  Even if Logitech originally made them...


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