All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Hardware
Is this true?
WOW! Someone has been smoking a little too much crack with Tony Robins.
How freakin emberasing... not so much the dancing, but the "I love this company" quote.
Dosn't he feel embarased to say things like that in public?
[ March 18, 2002: Message edited by: psyjax ]
if this is true there are even less reasons then none to buy a xbox ......I'm not going to spend 50 euro's on a game just to find this out though (then I'd also have to install windows again .... yuck)
quote:Originally posted by psyjax:
WOW! Someone has been smoking a little too much crack with Tony Robins.
How freakin emberasing... not so much the dancing, but the "I love this company" quote.
Dosn't he feel embarased to say things like that in public?
[ March 18, 2002: Message edited by: psyjax ]
--- End quote ---
Oh yes, and did you notice the frantic look on his face while he was saying it? He looked like he was possessed by a demon. He
So, what neffarious things has Blmer done? I hear little about him, is he like some sort of shady dark emperor type conltorling things behind the sceens?
What evil deads does he have to his name?
from the video, it looks like he is a failed wrestler!
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