All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Hardware

poll: What is your console of choice?

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Does using a PC to emulate consoles(old and new-ish) count as a console choice?  ;)

I have an Xbox that has "fallen off a truck" if you get what I mean.

My fav right now is the Game Cube.

One reason:

Zelda: The Wind Waker

This is teh best game ever.

In order:
GBA SP, N64, (Genesis, NES, PS1, Atari (these are a tie)), GameCube

GameCube sucks because it sold RARE to micro$hit and which made all the good Nintendo games.  Also, i greatly prefer my comp to GCN because i can get better graphics, and better (and more) game titles.

i also think that xbox was the worst theing ever made.

rare sold rare to microsoft. nintendo did not own rare. okay, it might have held like %49 percent of the company stock, but rare still had %51, they had the final choice. maybe nintendo sold off because they wanted nothing to do with ms?


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