All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Hardware
poll: What is your console of choice?
Laukev7: "Yes, I know that the Xbox runs a modified version of Windoze. That's why you get GSODs."
GSODs... is that "Green Screen Of Death"?
Tux: "tty1"
:D :D
As for myself, I'm not a huge fan of consoles... All I remember is this pretty old one that I played "Bonk's Revenge" on when I was little. That, in my mind, makes it the best console ever.
I can't put these pictures here because of some weird characters in the url :confused:
I am definitely a satisfied GCN owner.
I like the portability of the system, as well as the connectivity with the GBA (I'm not talking about the cable, either. I mean the GBA Player). The controller is also a winner with me. IMO it definitely beats the standard Xbox and PS2 pads in terms of button layout and comfort, althought I admit that the "s" pads for the Xbox aren't so bad.
I have almost 20 games for the system, which is about all I have had time to play, and every single one has been great. I realize that a number of them are available for the PS2 and/or the Xbox as well, but then again, the majority of them aren't. A good example is how, last Christmas, Splinter Cell and Metroid Prime were the two hottest console games. Now, GCN owners can play both, while Xbox owners still only have Spliter Cell.
Now that I've made myself sound like a complete fanboy, I will say that if I had a lot more time (money isn't so much the issue...well, it is, but no to the extent time is!) I would buy and play all three systems. However, given the current restrictions on my resources and the style of games that I prefer to play, the GameCube has definitely proven to be a satisfactory purchase for me.
gamecube, becuase i like pso and play it regurly with some friends
XBOX is fun, it hasnt even used its full graphical potential yet, and M$ didnt make the XBOX it says they did, but really people overseas put it together.
[ August 04, 2003: Message edited by: raptor ]
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