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PS3 will play PS2, PSone games. Official

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Backwards compatability...




They also claimed that memorysticks from PS1 would work on PS2, which didn't. But all is forgiven by backwards compatibility. Go Sony!

PS2 doesnt play PS1 games too well does it?  A friend of mine keeps bitching because his PS2 doesnt play his PS1 games movies properly or something similar - of course he got it second hand so it may just be a damaged part.

One wonders how long they will continue the backward compatibility, and when/if it will affect progress of the line...

One also wonders how many fan boys will start saying crap like "PS3 RoXorS! It's still in preduction, and has mor games than GamePube!"

yay backwards compatibility.  That makes it 100% certain that your new games are being slowed down or held back by the old games.

C'mon guys.  Drop the old technology, then you are certain that the software is not being held back by old software.
"out with the old and in with the new"


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