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PS3 will play PS2, PSone games. Official

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quote:Originally posted by ThePreacher:

Dont be silly, the software cant hold back the hardware. For example I run a NES emulator on my 2.2 ghz pc, but that doesnt mean the pc is being held back, in fact it can play those games better than a NES could. Too bad I cant hook up a controller.
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I agree with you, backwards compatibility is definately encouraged in my opinion.

bad software can hold back good software...

i think that backwards compatibility may be the reason for why win has so many bugs... probably because its also done wrong though...

and I think that if they can do it right, then awesome... i dont like them to lie to sell a product though...

The reason win has so many bugs is due to lack of care in the programming department, nothing more. Linux and Unix are pretty backwards compatible without any such problems.


quote:Originally posted by Faust:
PS2 doesnt play PS1 games too well does it?  A friend of mine keeps bitching because his PS2 doesnt play his PS1 games movies properly or something similar - of course he got it second hand so it may just be a damaged part.
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I've never had such problems.  Also, the PS2 can smooth out the GFX of PS1 games, which helps  :D

I sure as hell hope PS3 has component video ports for HDTV's.  That would rock.


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