WOW! I would like everyone to note that this moron's info. on nintendo is a pile of crap. The SMS was not even in the works when Nintendo made the Famicom. The Famicom was a success in Japan and it was not simply a pared down system, it really was the most advanced of it's time (Atari 2600 anyone). Sega came later after Nintendo's success but never quite caught on.
Also the huge conspiracy crap of Nintendo's media infiltration etc. Is also crap. Nintendo was nearly broke and was betting the farm on it's system. Because of the 1984 Video Game crash most stores didn't want to touch a video games system. Remember the robot? That was a ploy to get the stores to sell NES's as Robot Buddys or somecrap.
Anyway, the NES had a very small release, It was just so good that it really caught on. The first year saw it sold out 'cuz there weren't enugh to go around.
He is right on the third party developer issue, and nintendo did get busted for that. But that's not even an issue today with the XShit since the Nintendo case effectivly stoped all videogame makers from the same practices.
The XBox is a load of crap. It's overhyped garbage, something the NES wasn't, because it wasn't even hyped o begin with!
If you wan't some real video game History head over to, they have it all, unlike this dilmonkey.
And as far as a free wordprcessor: AbiWord, StarOffice, OpenOffice, etc. etc. Furthermore he does not seem to have any understanding of File structure, programing, or what open source means. He has no understanding of the kernal architecture in *NIX system, or what sort of Free software is available. This Asshole has an orchestra talking out his ass.
here's another good one:[ March 29, 2002: Message edited by: psyjax ]