All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Hardware

Xbox fanboys

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Get that guy to come here  :D

I bet we would all love a bit of debate with his very interesting ideas.


quote:Originally posted by psyjax:

Get that guy to come here   :D  

I bet we would all love a bit of debate with his very interesting ideas.
--- End quote ---

LOL, i'd love to but im sure he'd spend his time praying to bill gates after hearing a site like this exists.  Its like Microsoft is the Jesus Christ of the world, and the xbox was the second coming.  Im getting sick and tired of people treaing MS like they love people, thats why they added all those 'neato' features.  Idiots.

Aaron Ni:
Great googly mook!  I've seen people who've survived a head on collision with a Kenworth and have better sense about MS's plans than that prick!  So bring that guy over here because I do love a post in which a fanboy's "MS Cherry" is popped with a 10lb sledge as the cold hard truth is put in front of him.


[ May 19, 2002: Message edited by: Aaron ]

That was just too twisted to be real...I'd be willing to bet that he/she is an M$ plant...possibly even f


quote:Originally posted by psyjax:
The XBox has latched on the user base of gamers who like to smoke pot listen to really loud base and watch pretty colors and gore on their screen as they chuckle Bevis and Butthead like.

--- End quote ---

Sounds like the entire goddamn user base for Windows. Remember, every time a Windows user insults another OS...

"* sucks because it has no games"

Just let these fuckheads begin to die off from jumping off bridges while they're high.

Real tragedy pot won't kill you as fast as other narcotics...


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