All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Hardware
Linux for the X-Crox
quote: Better yet, buy the Linux kit for the PS2. Stay away from that M$ crash box.
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Actually, it does have one nice feature the PS2 is lacking: a built-in HD. And if you installed Linux on it, then it wouldn't be a "crash box" anymore, now would it? ;) Since M$ is actually losing money on every X-Box it sells, hoping to make up for it by selling games, then installing Linux and running some good, Linux-friendly games with it would be sweet revenge
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If software can be free, why can't dolphins?
Yes but the PS2 Linux kit comes with a 40GB hard drive, not that little measly 8GB hard drive that the Crash Box comes with. And it comes with the PS2 Development DVDs so you can write your own PS2 games.
[ May 31, 2002: Message edited by: VoidMain ]
Better yet get Linux in a PC, Consoles where not designed for full Operating Systems!
yeah, just get a fucking PC running linux! anybody who bought the Xbox deserves to lose out completely. It obviously voids your warranty if you install linux on it (and you wouldn't want to missout on all that helpful M$ support that you get do you?)
the hardware is bound to be flaky, and its certain that it's nonupgradeable. It's just a fucking celery 700 for fux sake!
i recently found out by the way that even if you pay for a full copy of windows, if you then partition your hard drive and install any other OS on your machine, you are no longer entitled to the M$ support that you have already paid for. Pa Thet Ic.
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