Author Topic: The Xbox - Dirty Secrets  (Read 4451 times)


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The Xbox - Dirty Secrets
« Reply #15 on: 26 July 2004, 06:33 »
The way I see it, Microsoft is trying to force Nintendo, Sega, Sony, etc. out of the video game business with their crappy X-box... just like they did to Netscape with Internet Exploder. I'm trying to convince my friends to stay away from the X-box and everything else Microsoft-related.


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The Xbox - Dirty Secrets
« Reply #16 on: 26 July 2004, 07:29 »
Humm.. I don't know what to say, I honustly Like the X-Box, I own all the system, Dreamcast, X-Box, Gamecube and PlayStation 2, I love them all, they all have positives and Negatives, Ps2 is built like crap, awsome games, backwards compatible, but built like shit, falls apart, I repaired over 10 of them, X-Box is built good in my opinion. I have no issues, but most games sucks, only reason I got it was for Halo and Dead Alive 3, but its built good, Gamecube, sucks allread except Resident Evil and Metroid Prime, its ugly, small and not the greatest, soooo overall I like them all, just have issues thats all, but X-Box is the Microsoft, which is the enemey  :(  oh well, I believe Apple should make a Video Game system, it would RULE! Apple GameMac GX hehe
-Pinky Out-


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The Xbox - Dirty Secrets
« Reply #17 on: 27 July 2004, 15:22 »
Originally posted by Pinkster:
Humm.. I don't know what to say, I honustly Like the X-Box, I own all the system, Dreamcast, X-Box, Gamecube and PlayStation 2, I love them all, they all have positives and Negatives, Ps2 is built like crap, awsome games, backwards compatible, but built like shit, falls apart, I repaired over 10 of them, X-Box is built good in my opinion. I have no issues, but most games sucks, only reason I got it was for Halo and Dead Alive 3, but its built good, Gamecube, sucks allread except Resident Evil and Metroid Prime, its ugly, small and not the greatest, soooo overall I like them all, just have issues thats all, but X-Box is the Microsoft, which is the enemey   :(   oh well, I believe Apple should make a Video Game system, it would RULE! Apple GameMac GX hehe

I bet your high school English teacher cries at night.

An Apple console would probably outright kill off the X-Box as competition, and make Sony and Nintendo seriously rethink their current strategies. While it would be Apple hardware, and thus the most expensive console on the market... it would definitely be worth the money, and I'd buy it.
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<3M> ok guys i've finally got my windows me machine up and running again :D
if everything seems to be running well on windows me you've obviously overlooked something....
<3M> who is general failure and why is he reading my hard disc :(
somehow, "i told you so" doesn't quite say it ;)


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The Xbox - Dirty Secrets
« Reply #18 on: 23 August 2004, 15:58 »
its not just with X-Box where this happens PS2 has the same problems

I have had two of them and the 1st was broken due to lens being dirty and despite using several cleaners it did not work thereafter


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The Xbox - Dirty Secrets
« Reply #19 on: 23 August 2004, 18:30 »
Originally posted by David XP:
its not just with X-Box where this happens PS2 has the same problems

I have had two of them and the 1st was broken due to lens being dirty and despite using several cleaners it did not work thereafter

So basically, Microsoft and Sony both chose to use crappy DVD-ROM drives in their consoles. The difference is Microsoft's taking advantage of the situation.

I haven't opened or even owned either of these consoles, so I can't be sure of this. But wouldn't it be less expensive to simply replace the drive yourself than to send it in to some Borg reclamation center to have its crap-out meter reset?
Quote from: ""
<3M> ok guys i've finally got my windows me machine up and running again :D
if everything seems to be running well on windows me you've obviously overlooked something....
<3M> who is general failure and why is he reading my hard disc :(
somehow, "i told you so" doesn't quite say it ;)


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The Xbox - Dirty Secrets
« Reply #20 on: 24 August 2004, 07:43 »
Originally posted by Annorax, Lemming Pathfinder:

So basically, Microsoft and Sony both chose to use crappy DVD-ROM drives in their consoles. The difference is Microsoft's taking advantage of the situation.

I haven't opened or even owned either of these consoles, so I can't be sure of this. But wouldn't it be less expensive to simply replace the drive yourself than to send it in to some Borg reclamation center to have its crap-out meter reset?

i would assume that the disks would have loads of antipiracy shit on them to keep people from using any "unauthorized" hardware.
just say know


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The Xbox - Dirty Secrets
« Reply #21 on: 24 August 2004, 16:38 »
Originally posted by the stiller:

i would assume that the disks would have loads of antipiracy shit on them to keep people from using any "unauthorized" hardware.

If this were true, it wouldn't be possible to run Linux on an Xbox.
Quote from: ""
<3M> ok guys i've finally got my windows me machine up and running again :D
if everything seems to be running well on windows me you've obviously overlooked something....
<3M> who is general failure and why is he reading my hard disc :(
somehow, "i told you so" doesn't quite say it ;)


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The Xbox - Dirty Secrets
« Reply #22 on: 25 August 2004, 00:11 »
Originally posted by Pinkster:
 oh well, I believe Apple should make a Video Game system, it would RULE! Apple GameMac GX hehe

You haven't heard about Apple Pippin, have you?

Apple Pippin

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The Xbox - Dirty Secrets
« Reply #23 on: 3 September 2004, 03:57 »
I'm actually reasonably happy with the gaming performance of my xbox.  But for anything else, it has always sucked shit.  Not once has it been able to play an audio cd.  It played dvds ok for a couple months, and then quit doing that.  I think I have the Thompson drive.  Anyway, never had a gaming problem in almost 3 years.  Then again, I don't smoke up and game out everyday like some people do.


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The Xbox - Dirty Secrets
« Reply #24 on: 3 September 2004, 08:45 »
Well my PS2 works fine after i bought it and I bought it used so IDK why you all have problems with them.  My xbox one the other hand is um an interesting one.  I originally got it solely for the use of a mobile linux computer.  After a while i changed my mind on that for many reasons.  Mostly cause of the crappy grpahics on a tv running linux.  Damn 640x480 resolution and no nvidia drivers for it.  Now I have switched it more to homebrew software after upgrading the hd in it.  I still have plans to put linux back on it but not the sole use of it.  And yah they do have some games that are crappy but they do have some I like which it is nice to be able to run those off the harddrive in it.  Also I have become very familair with the contents of the xbox sicne i have opened it and started playing with it.  To me it is just a normal pc for my tv.
you know its a bad day when you look more sober then usual


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The Xbox - Dirty Secrets
« Reply #25 on: 23 October 2004, 22:27 »
Ok... I knw this is a little late but somethin had to be said...
First off the Microsoft actually loses money on the console... which i belive was already said.
second... in the game industry and they are the easiest to work with they treat developers well. with sony they cant even supply us with simple hardware somtimes. The xbox is a extremely well built system and as with the lens issue it happens more often with ps2 than xbox. oh and as for the scam theory why would they bother they make alot of money off of games anyway in fact thats why they charge so little for the console and if systems breakdown... well 80% of people will just not use it 10% would buy a new one (more loss for microsoft) leaving only 10% of people that pay the 100 bucks to fix it... now knowin this does it sound like a scam to you?
And thats the bottom line because i said so.


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The Xbox - Dirty Secrets
« Reply #26 on: 24 October 2004, 13:20 »
You actually really didn't need to say anything, as:
(a) he likely has a Thompson drive, and
(b) he repeatedly dismisses "the lens is dirty" as some straight line from Microsoft to avoid culpability, which indicates (at least to me) that
(c) he's after Microsoft for something that is actually a CONCEIVABLE problem that COULD be fixed by the end-user with a $10 CD (ridiculous though it may be).

Microsoft may have poor business practices, but that doesn't mean that they want to eat your soul every chance they get.

[ October 24, 2004: Message edited by: Midnight Candidate/BOB ]

Proudly posted from a Gentoo Linux system.

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The Xbox - Dirty Secrets
« Reply #27 on: 25 October 2004, 07:34 »
Originally posted by Midnight Candidate/BOB:
Microsoft may have poor business practices, but that doesn't mean that they want to eat your soul every chance they get.

[ October 24, 2004: Message edited by: Midnight Candidate/BOB ][/QB]

Am I the only one who finds this statement just a little bit naive? Poor business practices or not, at the end of the day companies are always in it for one thing - $$$. Some companies like to do business by satisfying customers with exemplary products/services (the best way to do business IMO, but what do I know, I majored in chemistry). Others are just out there to violate you financially. Am I oversimplifying? Has cynicism gotten the better of me?


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The Xbox - Dirty Secrets
« Reply #28 on: 25 October 2004, 12:02 »
Originally posted by TB:

Am I the only one who finds this statement just a little bit naive? Poor business practices or not, at the end of the day companies are always in it for one thing - $$$. Some companies like to do business by satisfying customers with exemplary products/services (the best way to do business IMO, but what do I know, I majored in chemistry). Others are just out there to violate you financially. Am I oversimplifying? Has cynicism gotten the better of me?

LOL, please just let this die now.  I was overgeneralising in response to a hasty overgeneralisation.  It wouldn't be "business" without "u" "i" and "$".   ;)

Proudly posted from a Gentoo Linux system.

Quote from: Calum
even if you're renting you've got more rights than if you're using windows.

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