Humm.. I don't know what to say, I honustly Like the X-Box, I own all the system, Dreamcast, X-Box, Gamecube and PlayStation 2, I love them all, they all have positives and Negatives, Ps2 is built like crap, awsome games, backwards compatible, but built like shit, falls apart, I repaired over 10 of them, X-Box is built good in my opinion. I have no issues, but most games sucks, only reason I got it was for Halo and Dead Alive 3, but its built good, Gamecube, sucks allread except Resident Evil and Metroid Prime, its ugly, small and not the greatest, soooo overall I like them all, just have issues thats all, but X-Box is the Microsoft, which is the enemey

oh well, I believe Apple should make a Video Game system, it would RULE! Apple GameMac GX hehe