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Is X-box really dead?

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Ok I still don't support X-box, but aren't they still making games for it? I like to watch a TV show called "The electric playground", and they cover X-box, Gamecube, PS2, PS1 and PC. They haven't quit covering the X-box, so it can't be dead yet. I saw a review for a game that was released AUG 2002 actually. I also have seen the odd preview hear and there. Ya ya don't be fooled etc. What im getting at, is that X-box might have some cool X-box only games that won't be released for 6 to 12 months. IIRC correctly, Dreamforge had 2 X-box games in the works...


quote:Originally posted by lazygamer:
Ok I still don't support X-box, but aren't they still making games for it? I like to watch a TV show called "The electric playground", and they cover X-box, Gamecube, PS2, PS1 and PC. They haven't quit covering the X-box, so it can't be dead yet. I saw a review for a game that was released AUG 2002 actually. I also have seen the odd preview hear and there. Ya ya don't be fooled etc. What im getting at, is that X-box might have some cool X-box only games that won't be released for 6 to 12 months. IIRC correctly, Dreamforge had 2 X-box games in the works...
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why would it be dead  :confused:  It is still a new (ish) console. The PS2 has been out longer and it's not dead.

Well, according to the MES, it has lost most of it's developer support. Then there's also what you see when you go to the video store and compare the X-box section to the other game sections. So there is solid evidence here. Still, we don't really know if 5 kick ass X-box only games will show up 12 months from now.

Dead. I highly doubt that.

While I'm only talking statistics in Australia, Gamecube holds the lowest market share in the console area and with PS2 at the top and XBOX in the middle, it is fairly unlikely.

xbox is losing japanese developer support. and most of the people who play consoles like japanese games. stuff from developers like square, konami, sega. the only way that M$ is getting japanese developers to make games for them, is by paying out ludicrously large sums of money for exclusive licenses.

one of the big issues is that microsoft has too many games exclusive to its console that should be appearing on pc. they can't quite define the difference between a console gamer, and a pc gamer.

another issue is that the japanese console market is the largest in the world. and they don't like an american company invading their territory.

and now i leave you with this final thought:
in its first week of release, the xbox sold half as many as Sega's dreamcast...


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