All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Hardware
I'm sorry to say this, but
The XBox Rocks compared to the Jap Consoles
Especially the Controller.
It Feels like you actually holding something other than cheap plastic. Yaaaa!!!!
i'm sure it's fun and all, but xbox is a computer running windows 2000. . with 10 games available for it. it's ridiculous how much money people are willing to spend on these things.
hey billy.. :D :D hey billy
quote:Originally posted by Billy Gates:
The XBox Rocks compared to the Jap Consoles
Right. I'm sure that, unlike the "Jap" [sic] consoles, the XBox is 100% Made In America!
Well, what do I know; I don't do console gaming anyway . . .
I saw some screenshots of X-box games, and they looked pretty *gulp* good actually. Well, I'd still wait for that Game Cube by Nintendo. I Love Zelda. It is one of the best games for the N64 console, in my opinion.
The only bad thing about this transition into CD-ROM only consoles is that thier is no longer a ligit excuse for getting ROMs off of the Internet.
I'll still do it anyway.
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