I cant help but wonder.... does anyone ever do anything with Linux besides configure, tweak and compile? At this stage, any linux system is pretty much unusable out of the box for the average person, and without a lot of studying and perserverence will remain so.
This is just so much FUD. Up until last November, I ran Win 95 exclusively for over five years. I didn't really give a rat's ass for Linux. That was, until I considered upgrading the old Dell OptiPlex GSa I'd been using. I thought I'd simply do as everyone else: get a new system with XP on it. Until I learned all about WPA. I found this to be absolutely unacceptable to me. So I looked into Linux, and decided on Mandrake 8.1. Far from finding it "unuseable" I found the KDE desktop to be even easier to navigate than that of Win 95. It took me all of five minutes to figure it out. Can I go to the command line? Of course, and I do for quite a few things. However, I have yet to find anything that I can't do from the desktop. Mandrake, using the default install, first on the old Dell, and later on the new system, worked perfectly right out of the box. I've done
far more tweaking to get Win 95 running right.
What the hell do some of you people hate so much about nice graphics?? Do you prefer your partner in life to be ugly too? I suspect that it is the lack of eye candy in linux that is the problem and the inability to admit that things could be improved. If yours is not as good as mine, put down mine.
I have
nothing against nice graphics. And I find that KDE provides some very nice graphics indeed. Does Win XP provide nice graphics? Last December, while doing some Christmas shopping, I spent quite awhile playing around with an XP demo rig. Fisher-Price-esque is how I would describe it. Not 10 minutes later, I saw a toy computer called "My First PC", for ages five and under; the screen shot on the front of the package bore a
stricking resemblance to the XP desktop. I am not five years old, and I quite frankly resent the implicit insult to my intelligence that is the XP desktop. Furthermore, all that "eye candy" carries its price: it's resource intensive. I'd rather use a "plain-Jane" GUI and save the CPU resources for getting real work done.
not having any idea how to do it even after trying to follow the directions in the USUALLY inadaquate manual
Never have I seen such a rediculous bit of FUD. When I was
completely new to Linux, I sprung for the Mandrake boxed set, even though I could've gone to Linux Central and saved $30.00. I bought it for the documentation. The documentation is by far vastly superior to anything I ever got from M$. I had to figure out 90% of what I know about using Win 95 by trial and error. The help system was of no help, the documentation absolutely SUCKED. There is hardly a day that I don't see these ads for the Video Professor hawking these CDs for learning Windows. And these ads run on programs that appeal to intelligent viewers. Why does he do it? Because M$ hasn't done it. So far as I'm concerned, everyone who orders the Video Professor's course should send their bills straight to Redmond c/o Bill Gates.
Now let's talk about that new system I wanted. The best system for my needs and budget was the Micron Millenia Extreme. Unlike "store-bought" units, Micron builds these systems when you place your order. When I contacted them, what were my choices: Win XP, Win 98SE, Win ME (WHUDDA DEAL :eek: ). Could I order one without software? They wouldn't do that. How about I mail them the Mandrake install CDs and let them load Mandrake? They wouldn't do that either. If I wanted this system, I had to take my choice of M$ software - none of which I wanted. That SUCKS! I, the paying customer, was denied what I wanted, was forced to buy what I
never wanted, had no intention of keeping - and this from an OEM that builds systems to order! His Gatesness has Micron and a lot of other OEMs by the balls and you can't get what you want. That's why I am so anti-M$, why I am here.
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Computers are like air conditioners: they can't do their jobs if you open windows