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Xbox... just a test?

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I Think the XBox is a Great game platform, I have seen it in action becuase the Gfx are the best becuase it uses PC Hardware. And of course noone at MS made the XBox they probbaly got it the same way that they get all there other stuff, buying the product from another person. Who knows.

MS is infact trying to make something like the XBox for it Home Entertainment Center. I think thats what they called it I read about it on TechTv or Cnet's

Also What I read about windows95, I'm very surpises as maybe many of you are that the XBoX doesn't come with A Black Screen of Death. But that could be becuase they got another company or someone out side of MS to make it for them  

William M Gary
MS Fan - (Bring Lunix & Windows To Life!)

Uh? your wierd.

Master of Reality:
Ps2 kicks any other consoles ass.


quote:Originally posted by The Master of Reality / Bob:
Ps2 kicks any other consoles ass.
--- End quote ---

Still, Gamecube has the credit for best graphics ever. I have not yet seen something that can best the jawdropping beuty that is Resident Evil on Gamecube.

That and the fact that I saw a demo of MetroidPrime as well as the new zelda at Best Buy.

It is simply stunning.

I think the Gamecube hands down is the most impresive, most powerfull, console on the market right now. It's major downfall is lack of 3rd party support.

But I think this is an issue with most new generatin systems. There really isnt a single game out right now that is revolutionary by any means. It's all rehash, beating the same dead horse.

I mean, think of the old days. The NES had Mario bros. a game the likes of which had never been seen before. Revolutionary.

The Playstation had FF7, graphics and story never done like never before. (granted FFIV and FFVI beat the shit out of 7 for story, but not graphically of course).

N64, had Zelda64 and Mario64. Both masterpices introducing us to what would be TRUE 3d gaming.

Now, every game is just a spiffier remake of something that has already been done.

Anyway, I can't wait till the new Zelda !

Doctor V:
I have a PS2 and I am very satisfied.  Its a great system.  I have heard that its not easy to develop games for, but neither is the Xbox.  Gamecube is supposed to be very easy for developers.  Remember, a PS2 works as a DVD player, and a PS1 as well.  Thats a pretty good deal right.  That and the fact that many gaming companys, including square, are making games for PS2 means that it can't lose.  I havn't seen the gamecube yet, but its supposed to be the best, and Nintendo has a good reputation for quality.  Though N64 didn't exactly sell as well as it should have, it is a better system than people give it credit for.  No, M$ will not be able to take over the game consoul market.

Anyway, do not buy the Xbox people.  Even if M$ buys out many of the game developers.  PS2 and Gamecube have enough quality titles.  X-box is a force of evil that must be stamped out for good.



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