All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Hardware
PS2 Linux VS X-Box Linux
Here is the deal. The linux developed for The PS2 was actually made by Sony itself for the PS2 hobbyists, while Microsoft did everything in their power to prevent Linux, or any other OS from running on their hardware. You can buy the linux PS2 kit from Sony for $199 and it includes, linux, a hard drive, a network card, a keyboard, a mouse, and a monitor cable adaptor.
Linux on the xbox is a little different. It is not supported by Microsoft. It has a few different versions such as Mandrake and Debian, and in order to run it you must buy an xbox mod chip a keyboard and a mouse seperately. For info check out
Since the xbox supports mainstream distros, I might have preferred it, however Microsoft could put out a thing that refuses any of the known mod chips, which means that the xbox you buy might not support linux. Id stick with ps2 linux, since I dont(and wont ever) own an xbox.
[ November 29, 2002: Message edited by: ThePreacher ]
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