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Copying x-box games...
quote:Originally posted by xeen:
There is a lot of controversy over that argument, and to be honest I don't know which side to agree with.
People say "if I buy a game/cd/dvd with my money, I have the right to do whatever I want with it including make copies for backup purposes." I agree.
However the MPAA and RIAA are saying "if you loose or break your game/cd/dvd you go to the store and buy a new one. When you break your car, your bike gets stolen, or your hard drive dies, you go out and buy a new one. You do not expect to be given one for free." As much as I hate to say it, I agree with that argument too.
HOWEVER..there is one more thing that needs to be mentioned. With games, cds, and movies you can of course easily make copies for backup. But with other physical object it's not possible to back them up. Thus, these kind of comparisons shouldnt be made. If it were possible to backup your bicycle...well that's a different story then.
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Yeah, but they have insurance for cars and bikes... and warranties for other items, so if something just breaks because of a defect, you DO expect to be given a new item or compensation.
Also, software CDs/DVDs are VERY delicate, so people actually HAVE reasons to back them up. I mean, it's pretty much the same thing as insurance or a warranty.
Now, piracy is another story... you'd be dead meat if you sold one car company's blueprints to another car company.
quote:Originally posted by Fett101:
You need a DVD burner.
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Only if you want to do everything on a legal way...
Same thing for PS2.
You also don't need mod-chips (not even for PS2).
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