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a console to tyde you over until PS3
it's a now-common misconception about Linux.
I think it's part of M$'s FUD campaign. If it's "open source", then obviously all you can get is source (not true) and you have to compile that... therefore, all open source software must be compiled.
I don't know where it comes from. I hate compiling shit because it never worked when I tried it, so I always got binaries, preferably RPMs.
Grow up!
quote:Originally posted by Jimmy James is COOL:
it's a now-common misconception about Linux.
I think it's part of M$'s FUD campaign. If it's "open source", then obviously all you can get is source (not true) and you have to compile that... therefore, all open source software must be compiled.
I don't know where it comes from. I hate compiling shit because it never worked when I tried it, so I always got binaries, preferably RPMs.
--- End quote ---
It is true that apt-get and others have really helped. But I myself have broken linux system using apt-get. And all I did was select update all in synaptic. Then when I wanted to install software from the RedHat Software Manager util. It said it couldn't find a file. In fact synaptic had update the file. Making it too new for RH. Which meant I could not install apache and such without searching for it on the net.... and why should I do that when I can install it from a CD.... oh wait I can't, I broke it.
And some apps are illegal, so people are afraid to release them as binaries. Some apps have a core then a gui of your choice... far too complicated. They should have just made it one app and let u choose the gui. The app I most dislike for doing this is Xine.
But I am over it, I don't use Linux and I know why. Even if it doesn't satisfy you. Unless a full proof way of installing software comes to linux I will stick with Mac OS and Be OS.
This console will never see light of day in stores.
Dont waste your well earned cash.
How can you waste your cash on something that will never be released? Surely no one is going to accept any "three year pre order" lark? :D
Oh and I definitely agree we should all get rid of this compiler malarky. Including the developers, especially the developers! We should just stick to perl / bash / python scripting and pray to god no one loses the interpreters. :D (Hmmm, Doom 3 written as a python script, drool over the processor size I'll need to run it...) Oh wait. We should just go back to assembly!
(Maybe you need to qualify / quantify your statements a bit...)
I've never had any problems with compiling. And I've certainly never had any problems with apt-get . (altough this is with Debian not Red Hat so your mileage has varied as you say...)
On a more personal note, does anyone else get thoughts about how much cooler CS would be if someone ported perl to the half life console?
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